I would be interested to know what the CDU - Politicians who kicked off a debate have to do to reform the church so that the policy of the CDU will again Christian?
Where are the initiatives for the protection of unborn life? This need not be a legislative amendment of § 218! And below them are many small steps are possible and that Christians must continue to call! I am thinking as ends in an educational content, to the family than to vote or to negative ad series Sex for any of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BzgA), the CDU could stop immediately. At the demonstrations in 1000 Crosses for Life can also participate in the CDU-politician and Donum Vitae could appeal to if it really is important to avoid abortion. (In September 2009, for example, was in a display of BzgA the perfect holiday if you take for sex with strangers on holiday condoms. I had horrified to say that I have never had a perfect holiday!)
What about an economic order the principles of Catholic social teaching equivalent?
How are the CDU politician with the statement of Pope Benedict, the Environmental Protection duty of every human being? Politicians here do not have many more opportunities to act, as individual citizens? Where is the forward thrust of the CDU politician to see?
How are the CDU politicians to fight corruption? Why are still allowed donations from companies and associations to political parties and why politicians can sit on supervisory boards? Since the policy is to lay the solid framework for economic action, now existing entanglement between government and industry can only hurt the citizens! The social market economy can function only if there is a strict separation of politics and business.
There is much good out of the church, which unfortunately many Church reformers is not taken up. Many statements of the popes, saints and the Bible are quotable, if we demand better policies. The reform-minded in the Church could gain a lot of sympathy, would all these statements are good to point out the church and take them further. But can withstand the CDU politician?
The church here has the CDU spared much too long and needs to be related to the CDU times call for clear commitment or to drop the C! Here is an open letter to the Bishops' Conference of the CDU would be desirable! Also, the Central Committee of Catholics are influenced by too many party officials and seems unable to demand corrections.
I can also live with the priests are married or are not academics, if such proving themselves in life. Finally, the church has so begun. But that's not our main problem! Much more urgent it is to finally end the policy, which amounts to murder and manslaughter, it was added by abortion (the Constitutional Court allowed, to renounce the criminal law, but has called for - which is often forgotten - that all other opportunities are exploited to protect the unborn life better), or by the destruction of our livelihoods or the preparation of social crisis with poverty, hunger and misery. And as to the CDU politicians are times in the wooden wall take care of your own eye before they agree to Augenchirugen for the splitter, to mine it in the eye of the Catholic Church perform.
The Uniate Eastern Churches with Rome, partly to know both celibacy and married priests, and have always with their pre-Vatican II rite connected. also known as Singles - -
But given the many people who live celibate, celibacy should not be the main problem. And the dedication to a community that may well appear meaningful, Man see just how the divorce rates look at the Lutherans. Recently I have heard that even with the threat of a shortage of Protestant pastors. And sometimes the way: Personnel is our Under-supplied no: 1970 had three priests in Radevormwald, 2010, in a smaller community and less active children contribute a priest, a deacon and a community speaker. And there are the lecturers an active group of lay people to celebrate and worship in the old homes.
but I also find it fatal to do when dioceses in communities that work by itself or be combined into pastoral areas. At least with all the mundane affairs of the churches, as church buildings, community centers, municipal boundaries should be given full autonomy to the faithful. It also reflected the subsidiarity of Catholic social teaching.
I miss many church reformers a living piety! Why is there really a theological faculties Divine, why not regular pilgrimages to Fatima, Kevlar, Taize or Chartres, why not Angelus prayer at the beginning and end of events and the lunch hour? I know there is a very beautiful song sung Angelus prayer from the Benedictine Montmartre / Sacre Coeur in Paris. Paderborn in my time, I have not experienced this devotion! But when the Pope came to Paderborn in 1997, was organized at the church services, a parallel program in a different place! And Dr Eichner of the University theologian, Bishop Gaillot translated in a way that did not achieve its aim, which I more knowledgeable of the France's language confirmed. Dr. Eichner said, wait, Bishop Gaillot, as far as it enables a translation to have to tighten in his statements.
What the Church is the religion practiced in connection with the practice act.
in this blog I will not talk to church reform to be your main topic. For the ultimate is not whether we are for or against celibacy, but whether we as Christians forces oppose the death, illness, tolerate bear suffering, poverty and misery in the world, or do not fight according to them given possibilities. I make it not also time to read all comments for and against celibacy. I it does not matter whether a Drewermannianer, a brother of Pius, or a creationist is active if it only recognizes the human dignity and the sanctity of the right to life. The CDU politicians, who have now kicked off a public campaign in the reform debate for the church should have the courage now to do the same with the CDU.
the way, no one must escape from the church because reforms are not implemented. For with the Old Catholics, there is a church where mW the demands of church reformers are already being implemented. The need now, but actually have a boom. But if most of withdrawals from the Roman Catholic Church rather than leading in that church is more into religious nirvana I wonder, is whether the reasoning of the majority leaving the church are not only advanced arguments to make the exit in a better light.
What bothers me at the church more than that which criticized the reformers generally, is the wishy washy many speeches and by the fear of the actions of other political forces appeasing preachers are caring for the CDU, although this is anything but Christian. As some bishops have in the 3rd Reich more daring than it is today, the bishops in freedom. If the bishops and priests use this freedom would be so accommodating and the politicians were allowed to, like Nathan King David or John the Baptist, Herod would then the credibility of the church serve more than all the reforms.
One thing I have to say at the end: often turn out statements criticizing the church as air bubbles. But these bubbles are always more noticeable than the influence subsequent corrections and the perception is often stronger than reality. Also because I did not manage to separate the wheat from the chaff here, this debate should not be my focus.
Some examples are in this video before: http://gloria.tv/?media=83269
news from the Church:
Where are the initiatives for the protection of unborn life? This need not be a legislative amendment of § 218! And below them are many small steps are possible and that Christians must continue to call! I am thinking as ends in an educational content, to the family than to vote or to negative ad series Sex for any of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BzgA), the CDU could stop immediately. At the demonstrations in 1000 Crosses for Life can also participate in the CDU-politician and Donum Vitae could appeal to if it really is important to avoid abortion. (In September 2009, for example, was in a display of BzgA the perfect holiday if you take for sex with strangers on holiday condoms. I had horrified to say that I have never had a perfect holiday!)
What about an economic order the principles of Catholic social teaching equivalent?
How are the CDU politician with the statement of Pope Benedict, the Environmental Protection duty of every human being? Politicians here do not have many more opportunities to act, as individual citizens? Where is the forward thrust of the CDU politician to see?
How are the CDU politicians to fight corruption? Why are still allowed donations from companies and associations to political parties and why politicians can sit on supervisory boards? Since the policy is to lay the solid framework for economic action, now existing entanglement between government and industry can only hurt the citizens! The social market economy can function only if there is a strict separation of politics and business.
There is much good out of the church, which unfortunately many Church reformers is not taken up. Many statements of the popes, saints and the Bible are quotable, if we demand better policies. The reform-minded in the Church could gain a lot of sympathy, would all these statements are good to point out the church and take them further. But can withstand the CDU politician?
The church here has the CDU spared much too long and needs to be related to the CDU times call for clear commitment or to drop the C! Here is an open letter to the Bishops' Conference of the CDU would be desirable! Also, the Central Committee of Catholics are influenced by too many party officials and seems unable to demand corrections.
I can also live with the priests are married or are not academics, if such proving themselves in life. Finally, the church has so begun. But that's not our main problem! Much more urgent it is to finally end the policy, which amounts to murder and manslaughter, it was added by abortion (the Constitutional Court allowed, to renounce the criminal law, but has called for - which is often forgotten - that all other opportunities are exploited to protect the unborn life better), or by the destruction of our livelihoods or the preparation of social crisis with poverty, hunger and misery. And as to the CDU politicians are times in the wooden wall take care of your own eye before they agree to Augenchirugen for the splitter, to mine it in the eye of the Catholic Church perform.
The Uniate Eastern Churches with Rome, partly to know both celibacy and married priests, and have always with their pre-Vatican II rite connected. also known as Singles - -
But given the many people who live celibate, celibacy should not be the main problem. And the dedication to a community that may well appear meaningful, Man see just how the divorce rates look at the Lutherans. Recently I have heard that even with the threat of a shortage of Protestant pastors. And sometimes the way: Personnel is our Under-supplied no: 1970 had three priests in Radevormwald, 2010, in a smaller community and less active children contribute a priest, a deacon and a community speaker. And there are the lecturers an active group of lay people to celebrate and worship in the old homes.
but I also find it fatal to do when dioceses in communities that work by itself or be combined into pastoral areas. At least with all the mundane affairs of the churches, as church buildings, community centers, municipal boundaries should be given full autonomy to the faithful. It also reflected the subsidiarity of Catholic social teaching.
I miss many church reformers a living piety! Why is there really a theological faculties Divine, why not regular pilgrimages to Fatima, Kevlar, Taize or Chartres, why not Angelus prayer at the beginning and end of events and the lunch hour? I know there is a very beautiful song sung Angelus prayer from the Benedictine Montmartre / Sacre Coeur in Paris. Paderborn in my time, I have not experienced this devotion! But when the Pope came to Paderborn in 1997, was organized at the church services, a parallel program in a different place! And Dr Eichner of the University theologian, Bishop Gaillot translated in a way that did not achieve its aim, which I more knowledgeable of the France's language confirmed. Dr. Eichner said, wait, Bishop Gaillot, as far as it enables a translation to have to tighten in his statements.
What the Church is the religion practiced in connection with the practice act.
in this blog I will not talk to church reform to be your main topic. For the ultimate is not whether we are for or against celibacy, but whether we as Christians forces oppose the death, illness, tolerate bear suffering, poverty and misery in the world, or do not fight according to them given possibilities. I make it not also time to read all comments for and against celibacy. I it does not matter whether a Drewermannianer, a brother of Pius, or a creationist is active if it only recognizes the human dignity and the sanctity of the right to life. The CDU politicians, who have now kicked off a public campaign in the reform debate for the church should have the courage now to do the same with the CDU.
the way, no one must escape from the church because reforms are not implemented. For with the Old Catholics, there is a church where mW the demands of church reformers are already being implemented. The need now, but actually have a boom. But if most of withdrawals from the Roman Catholic Church rather than leading in that church is more into religious nirvana I wonder, is whether the reasoning of the majority leaving the church are not only advanced arguments to make the exit in a better light.
What bothers me at the church more than that which criticized the reformers generally, is the wishy washy many speeches and by the fear of the actions of other political forces appeasing preachers are caring for the CDU, although this is anything but Christian. As some bishops have in the 3rd Reich more daring than it is today, the bishops in freedom. If the bishops and priests use this freedom would be so accommodating and the politicians were allowed to, like Nathan King David or John the Baptist, Herod would then the credibility of the church serve more than all the reforms.
One thing I have to say at the end: often turn out statements criticizing the church as air bubbles. But these bubbles are always more noticeable than the influence subsequent corrections and the perception is often stronger than reality. Also because I did not manage to separate the wheat from the chaff here, this debate should not be my focus.
Some examples are in this video before: http://gloria.tv/?media=83269
news from the Church:
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