Monday, February 21, 2011

Pilonidal Cyst On Nose

Streuostwiesen: fruit basket and also feed meadows

orchard: fruit basket and food fields while

By Dr. Erich Koch, Md. ÖDP, Altshausen
orchards are an important part of the Baden-Württemberg's cultural landscape. You are in many ways links several habitat elements. Shall find here wood structures as well as different aspects meadow. With more than 5,000 animal and plant species and 3,000 varieties of fruit of fruit trees that have an unusually high biological diversity. Thus they are among the most important nature conservation terms and cultural landscapes of Europe. And orchards to almost every Baden-Wuerttemberg good memories.

In many parts of Germany, Switzerland and Austria who are covered by small climatic, has evolved over the centuries a special form of culture emerged, which is a mixture of meadows and fruit use: the orchards. Despite achieving large-scale deforestation in the 1950s to the 1970s, traditional orchards in the area of present-day state of Baden-Wuerttemberg still relatively widespread and the country has the most significant stands of fruit trees in Europe. Half of all German orchards are found in the southwest, all the 117 000 hectares. This has a particular responsibility is for this habitat, and therefore, because he is threatened with extinction.
orchards characterize landscapes

tall fruit trees belong to God in gratitude still old familiar Image southwestern German cultural landscapes. Be it that surround them as a green wreath villages and hamlets, as trees along roads and paths, as striking individual trees in the field floor stand or cover in the form of veritable "fruit tree forests" whole valley slopes - they always set the different landscapes essential defining element dar. Because they appear more or less loosely on the landscape "scattered", has come to be used for this traditional form of fruit growing, in contrast to the closed blocks of modern low strain seal the term extensive fruit plantations. This also derives about 20 years frequently used term orchards from. However, it has nothing to do with the litter of a meadow, as one might suspect superficial.

Such orchards bear in many parts of Baden-Wuerttemberg significantly to its scenic charm. There is probably no other native crop in which a single plant is already such a dominant brand landscape as a full-grown standard fruit tree. But even there, where many such trees are combined into a "fruit forest", they do not form an amorphous mass, but a variety of individuals that animate the landscape. In contrast to the surface appearing arable crops is based on a three-dimensional trees. In her various groups give it spatial depth, uniqueness and diversity that is enhanced by the changing course of the year the species-and variety-specific nuances, which represent the golden age and the time of the fruit and foliage colors are special highlights. In general, the landscape dominated by orchards are among the most diverse images of Central European cultural landscapes.
special habitat for animal and plant species

The particular value results in the orchards as a habitat of two source complexes: First, the holdings, together with their characterized by free-standing, sweeping trees and a species-rich understorey "savannah-like" Structure right from the spatial structure produces a diverse mosaic of small habitats, such as neither of the closed forest can still offer the free-field or grassland.

For others, mean associated with the extensive use of rare and usually less radical management measures less disturbance of plants and animals than in intensive orchards or other intensive uses. The less frequent passing of devices, which require less frequent mowing and the often total lack of application of plant protection products and leave the old trees with dead branch parts allow a much larger number of animal and plant species, not only as pests occur, to survive.

colorful flower meadow

is most striking of the great species richness of extensively managed orchards in the composition of the lower growth seen. Although there are usually not tied to specific locations rarities as orchards or pronounced dry nor wet, nor Biotopes are lean. Accordingly predominate types of meadows and pastures moderately dry to moderately moist sites with medium to good nutrition. In general, they are different manifestations of our most common meadow society, tall oat grass. The tall oat grass is a very floriferous Meadow type of our uplands in Europe.

all there are about 70 to 80 species, which can occur regularly in the oat grass meadows, although we find in individual stocks usually only 25 to 35, maybe even 40 species. This colorful flowers oat grass meadows are among the stands of fruit trees for conservation a tremendously valuable asset that must be necessarily obtain. For here the meadows with their geographic location, socio-bound and real flowers already in place and not have to be created in a contorted manner by sowing of corporate foreign, often non-native species and local conditions only.

The tree as a habitat

is visually less striking the much greater diversity of animals that rely on particular plant species as host plants or in soil, undergrowth, the lichen and moss-covered trunks, branches and twigs, in dead wood or in tree holes, found on the leaves or between the branches of the canopy matching their "ecological niche". To get an insight into the types and number of individuals of the animals and their behavior, often for lengthy legal zoological studies are needed. Thus, on apple trees, when no fighting is taking place, only about 1,000 species of arthropods (arthropods) Assembly Plant and a total of orchards can accommodate up to 3,000 species of the ant to the bat.

This biological diversity, by the double-habitat meadow - is well-founded tree grove is not found in modern low-standard fruit plantations. There, close the intensive fertilization with pesticide and herbicide use as well as the lack of dead wood species.

Among the many species of the community orchard, in contrast to the plants not a few who are as vulnerable species on the Red List of mammals such as dormouse, dormice, dormice and several bat species, from birds Little Owl, Hoopoe, Redstart, shrikes and woodpeckers, among the latter in particular Green Woodpecker, Grey Woodpecker and Wryneck.

sympathy for the extensive fruit and commitment of citizens

result of a failed agricultural policies of the then European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU), were dramatically decreased since 1957, the stands of fruit trees. It has been awarded the state until 1974, the large-scale uprooting of orchards! And still falling fruit trees to the "feeding area" for the victims. But the biggest problem now is the lack of financial viability of the orchards and the high demands the industrial society to the fruit quality. Thus, the sale prices of cider fruit is low and the relatively time-consuming, poor management at a marketing opportunity. Irregular items, which are typical of the extensive fruit fit, just not in our engineered economies.

therefore reduces the tree care, or the areas are cleared and turned into building land, arable land and intensive grassland. Would be to provide recreational gardens or land consolidation have beaten big gaps in the stands of fruit trees.
hope there are a number of initiatives. were due to the public interest in the extensive fruit since the 1980s initiated by federal, state, county and municipal incentives. Also developed fruit and horticultural societies, conservation organizations, and special action groups various activities.
advertises Even in recent times, the Baden-Wuerttemberg Agriculture Minister Rudolf Köberle personally for products from orchards. The employees of his ministry initiated a broad campaign sympathy for products from the orchard cultivation and the country supports the orchards every year with 10 million €. Also, the program includes strategies to save traditional orchards for recovery of grass growth, as well as tree cutting and nursing courses, and planting to to the promotion of wage cider and small distilleries. Similarly, create natural and conservationists Pro Regio and even political parties like the ödp for the stuff that the orchards do not shrink further and call on them to maintain extensive orchards again in order to make an important contribution to the cultural landscape.

The year 2010 is the world's acclaimed Year of Biodiversity. The District of Sigmaringen ÖDP take this opportunity to help even the orchard garden in Upper Swabia to new acclaim.

fair price for the orchard

, welcome to this very diverse orchard campaigns are, but sympathy alone are not enough. The orchard managers must above all for economic reasons have an interest in mind to bend down and lift the fruit to mow the lawns and maintain the fruit trees again. Therefore, first of all, the consumer is required not only for coffee, bananas and flowers from Africa, Asia or Latin America a fair price to pay, but also to the products of our local orchard farmers. This means for example, apple juice, an increase of 12 cents per liter, an increase of producer prices by eight to nine euros per quintal. This creates for the German orchard farmers an economic livelihood and therefore are less "automatically" obtained from a conservation perspective valuable cultural habitats, without the conservation budget and ultimately to charge the purse of the taxpayer. Because the state purchased "care cases" to orchards are unsustainable!

orchard farmers that environmental and consumer-friendly economies and exclude the use of synthetic treatment agents such as pesticides and fertilizers, have a right to higher producer prices. There

more opportunities for these links between nature and culture, even where land owners who are no longer a farmers cultivate more traditional than celebration evening or weekend jobs, the orchards. Thus, their children to experience the special charm of an orchard and keep the growing cultural landscape for generations to come.

note from Felix Staratschek:
on the old aerial photographs that hang in the Town Hall in the corridors, one can see that there has been a lot of orchards in Radevormwald earlier, a very large cross on the road today, in addition to many smaller farms.


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