Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Do You Reset Tsa Locks

end to dioxin in food-Food Watch calls for monitoring of all batches

foodwatch 11th in me Feb.2011 Newsletter: No more dioxin in food! Support our call for mandatory dioxin tests!

Hello and good day, Mr. Staratschek,
it is hard to believe but true: Once again we were hit by a dioxin scandal.

And after were measured only in May last year to high dioxin levels in organic eggs. However, the extent of the scandal of last year has greatly exceeded. Thousands of farms in different provinces were temporarily blocked. Larger amounts of the toxin have been found not only in eggs but also in meat. Many consumers wondering: How could such a thing in such a rich and supposedly security-oriented country like Germany happen?

The answer is both simple and shocking: the dioxin has come about fats in animal feed. And although about fats that were not meant for human consumption, but only for the technical processing. The ordinary consumer, this seems at first incredible. After making his salad at home can also start with no sewing machine or bicycle chain oil. Unlike in the industrial production of feed. Here is one primarily of the price - and industrial oils are now even cheaper than oil consumption. Thus, there is the suspicion that the company from Schleswig Holstein Harles and Jentzsch recourse to technical mixed fatty acids added, were actually responsible for the paper. The office is investigating.

But the danger comes from dioxin and what exactly does that mean? Dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are toxic and sometimes carcinogenic. The specific problem: They accumulate a lifetime in the body and are rarely reduced again. Foods such as meat, fish, eggs and milk are responsible for 80 percent of the total human intake of dioxins. Of particular concern: the average dioxin exposure of the population in Germany is already at the upper limit of what the World Health Organisation classifies as barely acceptable. This is also the government announced.

Therefore, it borders on brainwashing, which recently haunts the media: As yet, the President said the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) Prof. Dr. Andreas Hensel, that "need to make the consumers to not worry and could continue to eat colorful and tasty , "and that" even in people who have consumed a large scale egg or pork with a dioxin contamination above the maximum level, a health impairment is not expected in the long term. "

Such remarks are given the long-term threats posed by known dioxin, an insult to the consumers worried about their health. Especially the BfR stresses that the dioxin contamination of the population will be lowered. One wonders why the Agriculture Minister, Ms Aigner has ever been in a hurry is a 14-point plan countermeasures. Should it turn out to be such that the "announcement Minister" shall provide as much activism on the day to the decisive action against the food industry at the end, but do not have to put up? Namely, the legal requirement for feed businesses, all lots of the ingredients to test for dioxin - before they mix these ingredients into the food!

That this was not previously required, is a serious failure of policy. And that Ms. Aigner It has reluctantly taken under pressure from food watch in its Action Plan does not change anything. For as long as this is not mandatory, our dioxin exposure is not reduced. The adulteration and dilution, will continue. foodwatch has been calling for years, in accordance with compulsory testing. If the fat had been tested for dioxins even before it was processed into feed, the current scandal could have been prevented.

calls foodwatch:

must feed manufacturers are required to test each batch to a feed ingredient for dioxins - before they mix the ingredients in the food. Make sure that no single ingredient in the food that does not comply with the limits.

When limits are exceeded, the affected batches will be destroyed.

feed manufacturers to be fully liable for dioxin pollution and carry out all of the dioxin contamination costs.

Help us to achieve these goals by becoming a sponsor / promoter of food and watch and share together with us the policy under pressure. Help us to ensure that the policy finally take the appropriate measures to prevent future dioxin scandals. We regularly laboratory tests commissioned research, to inform consumers and litigate if necessary. Of course this is all not for nothing have. Therefore: Please support us and become foodwatch promoters / promoter of!

Dioxins do not belong to the food! The legislature has its responsibilities and protect the public from this unnecessary health risk of dioxins accumulate in the body for life and are not degraded again - with increasing age increases the load and thus the risk of cancer. Women put the poison during pregnancy and through breast milk continue to have their babies.

Support us monthly with 5, 10 or 20 €. Just go directly to our website and become a sponsor / promoter: / Member will be

Thank you and best wishes, Thilo Bode your

(Managing Director)

PS: Money is one thing. The number of our supporters and also plays an important role to us as an organization to be heard. The more supporters we have, the easier it is to put the politicians under pressure to finally take effective measures to ensure that those toxins do not always end up on our plates. Therefore: If your sponsor / promoter and compete with us for your rights!

We would be happy if you recommend our newsletter.

foodwatch eV
Gabriele Richter
Brunnenstr. 181 D-10119 Berlin Germany
E-mail: Info Phone: 030 - 28 09 39 95


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