Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Transformer Pajamas Footies

Pandemrix: narcolepsy in German health authorities

Pandemrix was last year in Germany, Scandinavia, and in many other European countries, the most common swine flu vaccine. In total, more than 30 million people have been vaccinated with it. With a vaccine, the one tested bad and have hardly used new active amplifier contained oil-based ("Squalene").

Here in the blog I deals with all possible aspects the pandemic: the profiteering, the subversion of WHO and other authorities by pharmaceutical lobbyists, the insecure and poorly tested adjuvants in the hastily thrown on the market H1N1 vaccine and the shameful poor accompanying control of this mass medication of the population.

The Finnish health authorities yesterday the work report of its Working Group on suspected cases of narcolepsy in children and adolescents presented.

According to the report had children and adolescents who were vaccinated with Pandemrix of developing a nine-fold to the higher risk of narcolepsy. "The observed relationship is so clear that the phenomenon could hardly be explained on possible confounding factors, "write the authors of the Finnish National Narcolepsy Task Force in its report.

Now narcolepsy a rather strange Impfnebenwirkung. How can a vaccine cause sleeping sickness? What does it all mean?

Narcolepsy is anything but banal "sleeping sickness." Affected patients lose from one moment to the other consciousness, sleep easy. connect without control ability. Most of the cases during puberty to enter into the twenties on, men are affected slightly more often than women. license or similar self-evident things are unthinkable for narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a severe disability. It is based, according to results of previous studies, probably on a massive neurological disorder.
quote from Wikipedia :
the causes (etiology) of idiopathic narcolepsy are unknown. Studies suggest the hypothesis increasingly likely that centers are involved in the brain responsible for controlling the sleep-wake rhythm (hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus). Recent results indicate a loss of the so-called hypocretin / orexin cells in the hypothalamus, and in a loss of gray matter nucleus accumbens.

In "Squalene", the amplifier active in Pandemrix long been a risk for auto-aggressive immune responses in animal studies also discussed and confirmed (eg here and here ). If so, this could Pandemrix "trigger" for appreciative people, an attack of the immune system to endogenous nerve cells, in the case of narcolepsy just in the hypothalamus cells. Such links have so far only poorly understood.

The problem with narcolepsy is the enormous number of unreported cases. In truth, much more people could be affected, because the disorder is often not recognized, and the doctors did not specifically is looking for it. It would also be possible that there are milder forms of narcolepsy, which are dismissed as trivial "sleep disorder".

Pandemrix was from the beginning under severe criticism. Especially because of the novel mode amplifier.
squalene has only been mentioned in a few vaccines (eg influenza vaccine in seniors' Fluad "). There are no open-access security studies. And with the pandemic vaccine, there were the sake of speed is very innocent, the fastest possible approval child safety tests. Finally, the assumption was that the world is heading for a disaster than the vaccines and only people from a mass extinction can protect.

In Austria Pandemrix was not used, but the Impftoff Celvapan Baxter, fairly active amplifier and was very well tolerated. In Germany Celvapan was also ordered specifically designed for politicians, and members of the Army. It was therefore soon as "celebrity" vaccine in two-class vaccines was talk . The ordinary citizens were mostly Pandemrix from which ordered 50 million units and were well paid.

And here I am interested in the question of whether it would have been possible in Germany, such an adverse effect - namely, the cause of a rare disorder like narcolepsy - to discover at all.

As it stands, there is no evidence for it.

The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) reacted first with bewilderment than in Finland, Sweden and Iceland, this question was debated: The authority that is not a single such message was received.
Pandemrix A spokeswoman for the manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) attempted to calm her. Worldwide
had been inoculated 31 million doses, but occurred only 161 total cases of narcolepsy, with 70 percent diagnosed in Sweden and Finland. "This is apparently restricted to this region," said the statement of the GSK spokeswoman.

But is such a statement last? Should we really believe that Pandemrix participates in Scandinavian children differently than German? Or instead, is rather close to the suspicion that it was a recording error and the authorities outside of Scandinavia - where narcolepsy own working groups have been set up - just not aware of these disease cases. be

I've seen to the database of the PEI in which all messages adverse drug reactions (ADRs) were recorded after vaccinations - and of course for those Pandemrix.
all, there are in the period between 2009/10 in all age groups almost 1979 messages in the UAW temporally related to the H1N1 Pandemrix, including 55 deaths.
For children up to 17 Age are a total of 265 ADRs received messages.

But "narcolepsy" in the database is actually not a single mention as a possible Impffolge.

Yes, sleep disturbances, fatigue or somnolence is often called by the children. But it is of fatigue up to Narcolepsy still a long way. How many major faults are hidden behind the mundane-sounding symptoms? It is not known.
But the other side effects after administration of Pandemrix are not without:
are particularly common disorders of the thyroid gland, urticaria, tics, "altered
state of consciousness ", arthritis, flaccid paralysis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, anaphylactic shock, Hallzuination, facial paralysis, and more.

Narcolepsy is a rare and most doctors have reported, probably known not from personal experience.
And those specialists and experts in the field, in which patients are eventually landed may have thought no more of the official message - because the context of vaccination at some time - walked through the medical institutions -. has been lost may have - as is quite common among physicians - the statutory Report to the Authority held a bureaucratic harassment and ignored.
This is a problem of passive detection systems. It is believed that the actual number of cases in the population at ten to twenty times the actual reported cases is.

The question remains whether it is in Germany - except the poorly functioning reporting system - otherwise some sort of safety net was to such side effects to notice at all - and then - just as the Finnish authorities - to be examined for good data base.

It does currently not look it.
After the public in the summer of 2010, the Swedish and Finnish studies on narcolepsy have been widely discussed, the PEI from October 2010 until end of January 2011 but were eight reports of suspected narcolepsy to ears. On this narrow basis, but could not find any valid scientific statements are made.

that it would have been appropriate to accompany such an extremely expensive and risky therapy mass of the population as in the influenza pandemic closely, detect and investigate serious and rare side effects to the authorities is not in any case come to mind. Apparently it was only extends the opinion that the duty of care is just waiting to buy the manufacturing companies with tax money the vaccines.

course, this is a malicious allegation. For of course the authorities the benefit of the citizens at heart. Therefore, the health authorities are announcing also to participate in an EU-wide study to explore a link between Pandemrix and narcolepsy, which are expected in the coming years, clarifying the issue.

sounds for the first after a fairly good response: But why does not pay my satisfaction that right? Was not there already a similar situation with a very similar approach?

TOKEN-STUDY: Lost in the Triangle authorities

reminds me of this action striking at the excitement surrounding deaths after the six-vaccination, which in 2003 made headlines.

Again, there were initially few suspected cases, namely five. And here it was not the early warning system of the authorities, which gave rise to the investigation, but the individual initiative of a Munich court physician, who indicated the same three suspicious deaths of his personal workspace .

was somewhat later, the speech of about 15 deaths in close temporal relation to the Six-vaccination. A group of epidemiologists at the Munich RĂ¼diger von Kries examined the relationship and published a report in which a "Signal" the speech was that the Six-vaccination Hexavac "possibly could be causally involved in the deaths.
And what did the authorities?
They organized with medial din a comprehensive study which should be three years investigating all deaths in babies and young children aged 2 to 24 months in Germany, the so-called TOKEN study . The study should clarify once and for all whether the infant vaccination was so sure, had claimed that the authorities and the manufacturers always.

Shortly after this study was started in mid 2005, the manufacturer pulled from the market leader "Hexavac" complete surprise his six-vaccine from the market. Supposedly because concerns had arisen that the hepatitis B component of the vaccine, but not so long, looks like it had been hoped that.
The risk signal to the vaccinated children had to do that of course nothing.

The study was led so in the absence of the main suspects continues. The only remaining hexavalent vaccine has since been "Infanrix hexa" is also a product of the Pandemrix manufacturer GSK. But it does no harm, not even to see after things, especially the babies not only the six-injection is given, but have accumulated over the past two decades, many new vaccines in the vaccination schedule and numerous Pediatricians and parents have become concerned about whether the the maturing immune system of babies at some point could not be too much.

Many were waiting eagerly awaiting the results of the Token study. The study was launched in 2005 and was to last three years. So I turned myself in April 2008 for the first time in the implementing authority - in this case, the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin - and asked, when they are likely to be because with the results.
The answer was as follows: Dear Mr.

we appreciate your interest in our study.
We will like to inform you on completion of the study of the results, but this is only the first Quarter of 2009 possible.

ask for more, please contact me at 030 18754 3322 available


Nadin Watzke
Robert Koch Institute
study secretary of the TOKEN study

Well, the first quarter of 2009 is now already some history.
I reported a few times and was initially put off until spring, then fall 2010. Now we hold at 2011 and there are still no published results.

also the probable reason for the delay is typical of the way the authorities with the controversial topic of vaccine safety.
To finance this highly sensitive study namely, just the two manufacturers were angeschnorrt. A real sign of poverty, one of the richest countries in the world.
Sanofi Pasteur and GlaxoSmithKline made the course you and immediately took over the bulk of the cost. But of course there was the money not for nothing.
The two vaccine manufacturers were granted the right to take before the publication of the study look at the results and take a stand.

Now there are, as you hear behind the scenes "significant voting problems" in the interpretation of results. Coordination problems, which is now two years on the Robert Koch Institute said publication date . Drag
It is thus pulled and pulled - and that's not a good feeling when you consider the number of babies who are daily preventive vaccination with these drugs.
So what came out in the TOKEN-study? - And what is being held back? It is high time that the health policy of this abuse takes stands and here at last provides transparency.

The UAW database of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, now 125 deaths (as at end June 2010) registered around the time of hexavalent vaccines.
At least in cases of death appears to be the moral of the reporting physicians to have improved.

But who deals with narcolepsy the authorities?


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