Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2010 Stomach Flue Toronto

Newsletter February 2011 Citizens' Movement for cryogenic recycling

Newsletter No.1 - February 2011

citizens' movement for cryo-Recycling , recycling and climate eV

impact the EU Waste Directive and the proposed amendment to the recycling law by the federal government

currently preparing before the federal government reorganization of the recycling and waste law.
background on Nov 19, 2008 adopted new EU Waste Directive 2008/98/EC, which forces a change of the Recycling and Waste Management Act (KrW-/AbfG) in Germany, aiming at a Europe-wide basis for action in the field of waste treatment.

Neither the EU directive include even the draft bill of the KrW-/AbfG specific conditions or limitations on the economic enterprises in the field of waste prevention and - Disposal, leading to a required, inter alia, the civil rights movement turn into a real business cycle would. According to the EU waste incineration directive may continue to be referred to as "producers of renewable energy," the destruction of raw materials and the associated environmental degradation will be given priority. For example, the E. ON subsidiary "E. ON Energy from Waste" continue its strategy of market leadership in the "waste incineration business" without hindrance.
is general in the EU policy of "prevention programs", the demand for "eco-design policy" and also "recycling rate" the speech. There is however a very tight and binding framework. Compared to some already in Germany achieved a recycling rate for paper, metals and glass, the EU Directive is definitely too low targets that build upon the KrWG maintains that style. Beautiful green 'and the prevention of effective and binding measures - such a "greenwashing" policy is already known from other areas, such as climate protection are well known and must be rejected. After all
be set against the backdrop of the world are decreasing resources and regulatory basis for the introduction of the "recycling bin", a portion of the currently not effectively collected but should include valuable materials. This creates a scope for action at local level for the development of a recycling system and should be demanded of all active environmental friends. The introduction of cryogenic recycling facilities at local level would be an important contribution. Quick steps to a comprehensive recycling economy are the regulations referred the proposed amendment to the Recycling and Waste Management Act not yet enforced.
More comprehensive information on this topic is available in a detailed article from our staff Göttingen Birte Riechers under http://www.total-recycling.org/

News from the Association

On 22./23.Januar 2011 held its first board meeting of the newly elected Executive Board in the form of a two-day workshop. There, the new board was constituted with Christian Jooss from Göttingen as club chairman, Jochen Schaaf from Stuttgart as vice chairman and as Dieter Grunwald from Gelsenkirchen treasurer.

Based on keynote speeches on 100% renewable energy supply in Germany and on carbon chemistry, solar fuels and the future of the coal mining industry were discussed in a constructive discussion on the basic lines of work in 2011 and decided to issue new publications. Dagmar was
Arnecke of food from Board unanimously as representative of the civil rights movement in the world women's conference in Venezuela in March 2011 elected, who will perform there, a discussion event on circular economy. David also works as a representative of the civil rights movement in the preparatory group for the 2nd Environmental Counsel, on 7-9. October 2011 will take place in Bottrop, with. http://www.umweltratschlag.de/
was intensively discussed 2011 as decided at the General Assembly members and decided on a public relations campaign in two phases. In the first phase we want to May 2011, the second Issue of our magazine to bring out "recycling total" (interested for employees, contact Hans Dieter Stimpfig in Kassel). The Board decided to implement a competition for young people to develop a short name of the civil rights movement and efficient advertising slogans to broad gain to the idea of recycling among the young supporters. The call for competition published at the end of February. We are involved in the Pentecostal youth meetings including with the laboratory Piff Paff Eckehard Osimitsch, a microscopy workshop of Stephen Moldzio and the decision of the youth competition with prizes.
In the 2nd phase of promotion in the summer, we want a membership campaign carried out in connection with the preparation of 2.Umweltratschlag. After
Pentecostal youth meetings will be the new nickname and the new slogan materials created for the members advertising campaign - carried out as banners, T-shirts, buttons, etc., and concentrated
advertising inserts in different cities. This is to be prepared by the regional groups
. The citizens' movement supported with full force to prepare the environmental
Advice - we would like you to win many first signatories and supporters to
and report them to our office or the website in the preparation of the environmental group
was also reviewing the website decided the civil rights movement, which has become too complex and should be improved with their designs. We are looking for the home team
other employees. If you are interested or know anyone who could win you should sign on to Gelsenkirchen in the office by Christiane link.
The Treasurer invites all members who need the tax office a receipt, send an e-mail to the office or to call. A general rule, for donations to 100 € a copy of the bank statement is sufficient for the tax office.

With kind regards and on behalf of the new board

Christian Jooss

Citizens Movement for cryogenic recycling, recycling and climate
Schmalhorst road 1c, 45 899 Gelsenkirchen
Phone: 0209-88 33 63 30 E-mail: total info @ recycling . org
Internet: http://www.total-recycling.org/


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