Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Do You Use With A Waffle Maker?

Monster Trucks: Drivers do not Gigaliner

carriers and drivers do not GigalinerPressemitteilung of 04.03.2011Thema: freight Gigaliner splits the trucking industry - video at the end of the article

carriers and drivers do not want a huge truck

Berlin. While the Federal Transport Ministry holds against the "no majority of the provinces of Gigaliner testing, the project is lacking even more in support of the trucking industry. The Verdi union, which represents many truck drivers, freight forwarders and criticized the concept of giant trucks and medium-sized and anti-labor. "No one in Germany wants the monster truck - just a handful of large transport companies and some manufacturers," said the CEO of the Alliance for Rail, Dirk Flege, on Friday in Berlin.

Verdi Deputy National Chairman, Andrea Kocsis, warned that the work load of the truck drivers through the use of longer trucks will continue to rise. "Truck drivers have a high responsibility. Already, the pressure is enormous. By Gigaliner to want a saddle on top of it is negligence, "said Kocsis. To the health and safety, it is not ordered in the transport industry for the best. The enormous price pressure on road transport leads already to the fact that drivers are forced to systematically self-exploitation. "If the Federal Ministry of Transport the giant trucks more expected efficiency, which is an increase in efficiency on the bones of riders and drivers, "concluded Kocsis.

agents also criticized the course of the Transport Ministry. "The Gigaliner is middle class," said the managing director of Spedition Pan Rösch, Jürgen mill. Within the industry there would be a cut-throat competition between large and medium-sized haulage companies. His company was environmentally friendly transport has repeatedly won environmental awards, such as leaves by Pan Rösch his refrigerated trucks to travel the long journey by rail. "Beats with the mega truck test drives the policy the exact opposite direction: who has road and rail links, which now feels verschaukelt, "said Mill.

Olaf Krüger, CEO of the association of freight forwarders (IBS), complained that the Gigaliner test run the road transport and rail off against each other instead of working on their link. Kruger calculated that nationwide operated giant trucks will reduce the cost of transport by road by 25 percent. Also for the single car traffic on the rail this is life threatening. "In the Netherlands and Denmark, there is no single car traffic more. For giant trucks are everywhere in real operation. "

criticized the Alliance for Rail, the railway hostile giant trucks from the taxpayers would have to be paid for dearly. "Our infrastructure is not suitable for long trucks," said the Pro-Rail Alliance Manager-Flege. Roundabouts, car parks and railway crossings are not designed for 25 meters, the tunnel would have to be adapted to the higher fire risk, "said Flege. "A small number of profiteers would have us believe that longer trucks are efficient, environmentally friendly and safe. But the opposite has now got about even in the road freight industry: mega trucks are expensive, environmentally damaging and dangerous ".

more information
list of trucking companies, which the giant trucks are skeptical opinion megatrucks: wollen-keine-gigaliner/speditionen-skeptisch-beim-gigaliner.pdf

polluting, and expensive gefähjrlich: und-fahrer-wollen-keine-gigaliner/argumente-gegen-gigaliner-umweltschaedlich-gefaehrlich-teuer.pdf

Press contact Dr. Barbara Wall Mount
Phone: 030-2462599-20

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Stanley Steamer Commercial Carpet Cleaners

Radevormwald - turns a city with / report to Verkehrsausschussitzung from 03/01/2011

report from the Traffic Committee meeting on Tuesday 03/01/2011

AL-request for waiver of the retail concept is controversial

Radevormwald discussed in the inner city redevelopment. The AL had sought to lift the retail and design centers.
I have argued that this concept is unfit to direct retail. In order to prevent retailers where prevention is useful, there are other instruments. But if a shop wants to come to Radevormwald may be that this made impossible by the retail concept. The Wupper

sees the market as this: The KIK Textil Discount has left the site, an equally large clothing store may collect no more there.

The city does not cease to exist when it first introduced in 2007 that retail concept no longer exists. Just the building, which is designed for retail there is already one reason why trade takes place here. Outside the inner city is the existing fabric of the resettlement limits.

But what's so bad, if with good access to the residential areas will be allowed outside the greater downtown retail, so this can be integrated into this place? There are such trade in the nearby neighboring cities. And the store size in the inner city is also limited.
If it should succeed really to build a larger shop on a site Bergerhof or on the Wupper, but the purchasing power keeps in Radevormwald. And if the people do their shopping there, not drive to neighboring cities, who go for other products also sometimes in the inner city.

It does indeed talk to any of frequency charms. Frequency is not sales. When I used to work at the time Gira was, I'm gone a day walking on the way to work through the city. But what do the businesses of this frequency? What do the business if people like Lidl and Edeka to take the car and then disappear again? The text of the retail concept is full of meaningless phrases. As will be worse than the former Dr. Gutteneberg copies of originals like crazy and then local politicians presented a sermon from many technical terms, has only one objective: the text is to be paid by the municipality, because the office survived.

examples, as is done in Rade policy

The best example is because the traffic reports for the new industrial areas in the east. As an academically educated person has entered any streets and to say many words. Then I went to the front, because I Radevormwald detail by many bicycle tours, walking tours and maps, and I know free presented an alternative concept. With me are the intersections of 4, the formed traffic planners foresaw two intersections. The mayor and all the traffic committee were present and I have explained to the card on the wall, as it were best. But although this was only a hearing and no vote was held, was then in the next record that the proposal of the transport planner is now sought as a priority solution! Where is because democracy?

Another example is only to my voice in several meetings of the town and Transport Committee for a construction project voted that I because of its various shades of gray (mouse gray, ash gray, stone gray, dusty gray, cloudy gray hair gray, cement gray ....) Casa Lorioti was baptized. I have always demanded the only one construction, the proportions of the inner city and the construction Berg (slate, white windows, green shutters and roof gutters) will meet. But suddenly accuses Mr. Hasselhoff in the morning post on the missing UW style. But what all his UWG officials have voted so far? Had not he at least times can say that the AL has quite regrettable and we, 'that we recognize that only now? Right and left flash drive (or vice versa) seems to be in politics for all groups used in practice.

cattle Bach?

Indescribable was the reaction of CDU leader Viebach. The Lord Viebach behaves as if he'd written with an H in its name. Although he criticized the fact that I did not finish could, but his comments were such a sad testament to the human race that it would have been geardezu malicious, did not stop interrupting particularly bad false statements, as that would be that the AL application kill the Wupper market . With respect, exactly what may happen in the retail concept, which ranges from a specific size for the Wupper excludes market. And if something bad is said, then must also interjections may be accepted, not even prohibit the other do the talking.

The AL was turned down. A main reason was that associated with the retail concept grants, were to be paid back at an abolition or would not be paid. Funny that this was not in the Council written submission. Times would be interesting to know exactly where the financing of the downtown redevelopment relies on this concept? I could
Now do not check. But all the arguments I have commanded Paroli.

to my proposal to change the retail concept so that Cologne Road, Elberfelder Straße, Keil Beck and church downtown street be treated, none was received. The product list shows any case that this has to do with reality. There are zentrenrelavante operations it earlier than the city still was doing well in Bergerhof was, but there are businesses that do not have to be in centers in Radevormwald several times in the center and the construction market in the Siepen road is also still quite close to it.

to Vote: The CDU
application a review of the retail concept was first designed. Since I knew that the AL and not assume I voted for the CDU's proposal because even a change is necessary, but I insisted, then to vote for the AL-claim, and Mr. Enneper the adoption of the CDU-application first no longer wanted. Maybe yes flows from the discussion was in the revision. I was asked to call the AL to consider the request for council meeting back. I said, deciding that the Council Group. In addition, if the AL has submitted an application to the Council, the first mostly moved to a committee. The fact is that the AL application is dated 10.1.11, while the CDU only at 16.2. their application was submitted. It is therefore assumed that the AL has triggered here by requesting concentrate minds. Any improvement in the retail concept in favor of the Wupper market is so contrary to what position the AL for years.

If you like want to read the sources:

Perhaps we should mention that I also like the other committees states have been reported and that there are members of the AL down or made statements made were that not true.

financial advice

A point budget has been introduced at the beginning of the meeting in the agenda and dealt with according to the requests. My objection is that the future should the posts be presented better and that is apparent in the recurring differences between approaches and results from a position no transparent budget picture, brought back only the failure of Mr. Vie (h) a bach. But he has brought nothing to the content along the lines of attack and strike down the best defense is the AL talking bad. On a vague mention of a position in my household, he made an allegation against the AL the Government. I said, it should still all here to have the administration's request that at least the next budget would be better, and being taught to understand. With every club and every party must be traceable cash. And if the fund remains incomprehensible, I do not give my consent.
The excitement of the other politicians can come from the fact that they have kapituiliert before the budget. The AL is searching for irregularities, this makes for Disjussion and sees it as its Aufagabe to accompany the critical and constructive management and control. However, the CDU had already announced early in the press that one with this budget does not everything would look. You wonder as these AL-ergy?

local bus instead of school bus

The theme of local bus instead of school bus will leave the majority of the school board. I have at other times have made it clear that I see it differently.
And the language: it is in turning the students specialized in a local bus transport only one baptism. Just as the baptism of a Christian makes a pagan, my suggestion turns the school bus one Ortbus. From the outer appearance does not change, but the local bus can ride all and there may be some additional trips (Honsinger, Kräwinkel, heath and Önkfeld and need rides to all stops of the school bus system in the afternoon).


The noise protection plan I voted for, because it had to be treated by the city but only for a Council decision is not mandatory. But a decision must be made in the city and because it's AL position that the Council should be the key forum. so I will dispense with the deletion from the agenda. But this text is nothing but a collection of pre-formulated sentences, which is why I wanted to do without it, that the committee without this paper Consequences of his time wasted. For in Radevormwald was examined according to the text also assume that noise pollution from airports and main rail routes. No less a record as a contender for the stupidest template for a municipal committee, was entering the city of Remscheid, you should to draw less traffic to Lennep, establish speed limit of 30 on the B 229, take a reactivation of the railway in the eye and take action banish, truck traffic from the B 229th Besides being Remscheid does nothing to shut down on the Balkan route is still available as a light rail line Cologne-Leverkusen, Visakhapatnam-Remscheid Friedrich Ebert Platz expand demonstrates that input really a lack of expertise of each and every local knowledge! In comparison, employees in Rader Hall and the local politicians are already almost genius!

fairground take bus
I have painted on a photo of a RGA-Press article from the bus station my concept for the bus station and letting time go round the Committee to enable members to learn with their eyes, what to do with the ears . understand I had some feel that the penny has dropped. Let's see if it's true. I offer in principle to everyone, including each group, with a small tour of my city transport policy Concepts explained.

attack by right wing extremists

I have also addressed the right-wing extremists perpetrated an attack on Salem and his shop and I have brought the stickers that I have from many street lights. I said, it is high time to act if the Forderngen be implemented according to nationally liberated zones on the stickers in action. I've had during the meeting, the label placed on the table before me. Whether that was the reason why the Pro NRW-learning has quietly pulled back from the session?

In the cross street, above the Froweinstraße was when I went to the Committee, at 1.3. A special police car without a blue light. Whether it was a paddy wagon?

citizen involvement / planning workshop

The question remains, how do we proceed? Acute running again so brainwashed. The High road vehicle will be restricted traffic in the downtown redevelopment. Other hand, yes also free if you do it right. But that should only be done if the road must be replaced before and I do not know what to bring that to the retailers? No one seems to know exactly what to do. Only the planners know one when we sell the beautiful people phrasige texts, we can make money. And sometimes heals, too the placebo effect, or initiate healing.

I think most important for the inner city are dealers themselves, who must train themselves in addressing their customers who must work together to offer new service ideas to the Internet and the neighboring cities to provide password and need a good representation on the web.

as I have in mind before a Rader-shopping network that, like Wikipedia is built and where all services are listed in Radevormwald. Anyone can contribute to this. Each article includes a product list, so you can check via search functions have initially house where there are some articles. And to every article about a shop, there is a blog where the dealer can tell news or find out in a general topic of customer sometimes can get rid of their frustrations. So shall the trade to be carried on proximity to customers and the customer formulate his wishes easily. The network includes schedules, parking and site plans for the stores.

all dealers should decide to purchase a van, like the Bürgerbus is driven alternately by the dealers or their employees and drive the customer bought goods at an agreed time to go home.

If these key things are not addressed, you can forget all the activities of downtown redevelopment. Then, these measures are only the result of brainwashing, the planning office and building companies to politicians and citizens' participation in events to perform. I could not help thinking, at least, that were passed at the end of February 2011 public workshop, the participants of the moderators so that they roughly the spawned what would also have the moderators.

Perhaps the impression is misleading, since I was in previous similar events prevented deadlines and can not say exactly what this civic building. But that has been talked about, will not save the trade, I think.

The same goes for my contribution. In the group where I was, 3 Arbeistkreise Offered:
- pedestrians on the High transit road
- Parking
- Public transport (transport)

I joined as a single group public transport and worked my proposals, which require a redesign of the bus station and the adjacent post road to the site. The Poststarße and the Bahnhofstrasse are connected, each with its own roundabout on the B 229 and between them there are on both sides of the street a Busbucht. I have also proposed a bus stop Schlossmacher place between savings and Blumenstraßenuhr. Both transport policy and statdplanerisch very useful. But here the question remains whether this is something essential contributes to improving the retail? Rather, it could be that a retail business, which improved its quality, to boost public transport contributes. The fact is that public transport, despite the formal publication of this working group in the presentation seemed like not so guit. But as a member of Pro Bahn eV I took the chance myself here to work for the interests of passengers.

between I've looked to the other groups over the shoulder, the result of pursuing discovery and contributed one or the other suggestion, such as the conversion of one-way streets in cycling, but which may be ridden in a direction of cars.
would be here of course, a zero tariff something beautiful. as the best bus routes to city centers, opens up a zero tariff would come because of the free ride and more people in the inner city.
Why has none of the planners asked this here: funded-FREE - 28255036.html

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plagiarism and fake doctorate in parliament / newsletter of

From: Date: 4 Newsletter March 2011 16:31 Dear Mr.


had with surprise we found out that some politicians of doing this in their responses to foreign texts, without making those indicated. What members made use of where you find out in this newsletter. Also: Why is the non-responses from Lower Saxony Interior Minister Schünemann have employed on the Diet.

Our Topics at a Glance
- plagiarism and fake doctorate in parliament
- political contributions from EADS, Philip Morris and Krauss-Maffei: parliament lifts secrecy for more than a year
- Schünemann's non-answers to employ Diet
- The Hamburg-choice for this Topics, there are a parliamentary majority
- candidates start-Check: Your electoral assistance for Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt

Only thanks to your support, there is - Donate 5 € or promote us regularly. https: / /

plagiarism and fake doctorate in parliament

Not all responses to are also 1:1 by Members themselves in some cases were in the past, entire paragraphs copied from Wikipedia, without making those indicated. Also, in a response from Mayor of Cologne Roters found a section that stands so well on Wikipedia. But Rotenberg has an unusual explanation: he had not copied from the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia but him.
More in our blog article "copy & paste MPs.

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is not the first member of parliament, which the doctorate is lost. Another parliamentarian stumbled 2009 on a purchased title, led the prosecution against a further investigation to the alleged unauthorized use of an academic degree. Many people have these Members confronted with this question, but they did not receive a response in most cases.
More in our blog article "The doctor's Parliament Title, dissertations, and plagiarism in the mirror of civil matters. "

political contributions from EADS, Philip Morris and Krauss-Maffei: parliament lifts secrecy for more than a year
Many million € on the parties in 2009 flowed into the coffers, but by whom, which is only now becoming available. Secretly, quietly, the Bundestag President, the annual reports has put on the web, and the big question: Which company, which association, which is the individual parties connected so that they do in the election of 2009, remembered with a donation? Read the answers in our blog: "Political Contributions by EADS, Philip Morris and Krauss-Maffei: Bundestag secret was revealed after more than a year," eads-philip-morris-and-Krauss-Maffei-bundestag-luftet-secret-to-more-than-one-year /

Schünemann employ non-answers to parliament of Lower Saxony

on civil issues in secondment watch . Lower Saxony Interior Minister Uwe Schünemann de would not respond publicly - "For privacy reasons," he writes. Therefore, as is the question to the Minister of the Interior remain unanswered as to why it is the taxpayers actually have to pay for the cost of the Castor transport and not the cause.
Schünemann's non-answers have now even the parliament of Lower Saxony busy. Three members wanted to know from him in a question, how he came to his strange reason, and whether he would act as Home Secretary now to those Members who failed in his eyes against the data protection - by responding to citizens on public
More in our blog under "Answers Interior Minister Schünemann on citizen issues: data privacy laws "

after. the Hamburg-choice is for these subjects it a parliamentary majority
The newly elected citizenship Members will have much to do if they want to put their statements from the campaign in policy decisions, the abolition of tuition fees, building more social housing, the reduction of kindergarten fees. -increase - this and more, the majority of elected members now in our candidate-Check promised. We have the positions of the parliament before the election now analyzed again and found: For many, especially costly projects, there in the new citizenship an absolute majority.
What you find out in our blog: "After the Hamburg-choice for these projects are in the citizenship (k) an absolute majority" der hamburg-choice-for-the-projects-at-in-the-burger economy-no-absolute-majority started /

candidate-Check: Your electoral assistance for Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony Anhalt
you live in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt and do not know who to vote in the parliamentary election in late March? Then the candidate check, which this week in all three states has started, the right choice help. When candidates check you out with what your local candidates you are in tune to what subjects. Try it best right now:

candidates check for Baden-Württemberg
Start Here are answers to the question: Which of your local candidates are for or against Stuttgart 21, the retention of the tripartite school system, the extension of nuclear power times?
candidates check for Rheinland-Pfalz
Start Here you will find answers to the question: What are the candidates in your constituency are in favor of or against the introduction of kindergarten fees, the construction of the high-Moselle crossing and the Central high school?

candidate Check for Saxony-Anhalt
Start Here you will find answers to the question: Which of your local candidates are for or against joint longer learning , the expansion of the motorway A 14 and a switch to domestic lignite?
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Parliament Watch Association is established in Hamburg, registered with the Amtsgericht Hamburg VR 19 479, Executive board members are Greg and Boris Hekele Hack Mack.

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Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Make A Sandball Japan

Spring in Gönningen ...

exactly in the "country", it takes on this Motiv.Ein few days but it still until the forsythia blooms so beautiful.

images dance photo documentary 2010: Werner Rathai