28.02.2011, 12:39 clock Joint press release: Singapore: No wind of change with the CDU and FDP
survey of the Alliance "We choose the future: renewables instead of nuclear" among parliamentary candidates confirmed:
note from four towers Blog: Unfortunately, the survey included a major party is not, so that the reader must ask yourself this: http://www.abgeordnetenwatch.de/index.php?cmd=223&q =% C3% B6dp (Hamburg ÖDP Candidates are no longer able to be interviewed, but followed behind other candidates who are still to be selected). And candidates of other groups can be found on this page. Your question to decide what to T hema in the election campaign. There
Contemporary energy policy in Baden-Wuerttemberg is not with the current ruling parties - only rhetorical campaign tactics departure towards renewable energy sources - land entry threat in the regenerative era to miss and lose, especially in wind power connection to the federal and global development - Government ignores system conflict between renewable and nuclear
Stuttgart, 28 February 2011: With their vehement defense of the lifetime extension of nuclear power plants in the country, the CDU-FDP government in Stuttgart to the satisfaction of the non-partisan initiative, "We choose the future: renewables instead of nuclear" decided in fact that it's way into the renewable age at best rhetorical-election tactics is willing to go along. News confirms the strategic role of the state government brakeman in Germany, for example, through their de facto adherence to the outdated and completely inadequate expansion targets for renewable energies in their energy plan 2020th
The results of the Alliance, "We choose the future: renewable sources instead of nuclear!" In the recent weeks in the parliament candidates and state candidates survey "leave little hope that will change it a bit if the current government parties determine a further five years, the energy affairs of the country," said Sylvia Pilarsky-dime by the National Board of the Bund Baden-Württemberg. The Alliance had asked the candidates at the state election promising parties to commit to aggressive on renewable energy and against the lifetime extension of nuclear power plants and a corresponding call (www.sauber-bleiben.de) sign. "After all, three candidates of the FDP sheared from the phalanx of nuclear friends. In the Union there was not a single avowed friend of the renewable, "said Pilarsky-Grosch.
contrast, there was of Alliance 90/The Greens, the SPD and the Left Party, only votes for a clear change of direction in energy policy of the country. A total of 206 of 350 surveyed candidates in the survey, ie 59 percent. Pilarsky-Grosch: "With our call, we wanted to encourage the candidates to a clear commitment to renewable beyond campaign tactics verbal acrobatics. Now lets see. Separates the wheat from the chaff "
" 2020 must be set the course for a sustainable energy supply in Baden-Württemberg " stressed the Stuttgart energy scientist Dr. Joachim Nitsch, who in his for the Alliance, "We choose the future: renewable sources instead of nuclear" drawn energy scenario "Sustainability 2010/2050" actually derives the measures in the country must be taken to the target by mid-century to . reach Thereafter, in Baden-Württemberg renewable energy by 2020 already contribute a third of the electricity generation by 2050 there would be virtually 100 percent and two-thirds relative to the total energy consumption.
Unlike today, the wind energy is taking to Nitsch's findings, a central role. Currently, they form Baden-Württemberg - where once the now spread worldwide, "Three-winger" was invented - because of the "persecuted for years, openly hostile country wind energy policy in last among all countries face in Germany." Although the state government now leave the significant wind energy potential in the country identify more precisely the same time keep in their energy plan in 2020 to set completely inadequate expansion targets. The annual extension rate will be increased under these plans difficult, the country falls compared to other provinces such as the Rhineland-Palatinate further back.
long term, wind energy as part of the overall scenario cover about 20 percent of electricity needs - and to only 0.4 percent of the area. Nitsch: "In Baden-Württemberg there is no lack of wind energy potential, nor to appropriate areas. It only lacks the political will. "Now it was important to the country, especially when wind energy development from" out perform the lost decade of lethargy. " This had the development of renewable energy not only verbally and enjoy clear priority to the omitted conflicting lifetime extension of nuclear power plants.
The undersecretary-administration is operating "in Stuttgart, an energy policy of the rhetorical fogging" criticized Rainer Baake, the federal secretary of the German Environmental Aid eV (DUH): "The closer the election date, the green is they think they are. The state government was trying to convey to the audience, the extension of reactor life time and the development of renewable energy could be amicably side by side. Baake said that this is limited due to the controllability of nuclear power plants, against all entreaties of the nuclear lobby is impossible. Instead of continuing to maintain the extension of the nuclear power plant run times, the country should be worrying about the remaining power plants with the requirements of a growing number of renewable energy in power is justified. Required either a larger share of fast controllable gas-fired power plants, the Restructuring of the electricity networks and the development of new electricity storage. Baake, "With renewable and nuclear power, there is no common way to a whatever kind of energy policy future. Anyone who says otherwise sprinkled sand in people's eyes. This is not about ideology, but a matter of physics and economics. "
results of the candidate survey:
graphics candidate survey:
1 (approval by party):
http: / / sauber-bleiben.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Befragung-ZustimmungnachPartei.jpg
2 (total responses):
scenario 2010/2050: http://sauber-bleiben
. de/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Szenario_2010-2050.pdf
handout 2010/2050:
http://sauber-bleiben.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Thesenpapier-Energie- BaWü-2011.pdf
perspectives of wind energy:
For further information:
Rainer Baake
national manager
German Environmental Aid (DUH)
Mobil: 0151 55016943, Tel: 030 2400867-0, E-mail: baake@duh.de
Dr. Joachim Nitsch
energy scientists
Tel 0711 7801907, E-mail: jo. nitsch@t-online.de
Sylvia Pilarsky-Grosch
Bund Baden-Württemberg
Tel 07633 948256, E-mail: RAin.Pilarsky-Grosch @ t-online.de
survey of the Alliance "We choose the future: renewables instead of nuclear" among parliamentary candidates confirmed:
note from four towers Blog: Unfortunately, the survey included a major party is not, so that the reader must ask yourself this: http://www.abgeordnetenwatch.de/index.php?cmd=223&q =% C3% B6dp (Hamburg ÖDP Candidates are no longer able to be interviewed, but followed behind other candidates who are still to be selected). And candidates of other groups can be found on this page. Your question to decide what to T hema in the election campaign. There
Contemporary energy policy in Baden-Wuerttemberg is not with the current ruling parties - only rhetorical campaign tactics departure towards renewable energy sources - land entry threat in the regenerative era to miss and lose, especially in wind power connection to the federal and global development - Government ignores system conflict between renewable and nuclear
Stuttgart, 28 February 2011: With their vehement defense of the lifetime extension of nuclear power plants in the country, the CDU-FDP government in Stuttgart to the satisfaction of the non-partisan initiative, "We choose the future: renewables instead of nuclear" decided in fact that it's way into the renewable age at best rhetorical-election tactics is willing to go along. News confirms the strategic role of the state government brakeman in Germany, for example, through their de facto adherence to the outdated and completely inadequate expansion targets for renewable energies in their energy plan 2020th
The results of the Alliance, "We choose the future: renewable sources instead of nuclear!" In the recent weeks in the parliament candidates and state candidates survey "leave little hope that will change it a bit if the current government parties determine a further five years, the energy affairs of the country," said Sylvia Pilarsky-dime by the National Board of the Bund Baden-Württemberg. The Alliance had asked the candidates at the state election promising parties to commit to aggressive on renewable energy and against the lifetime extension of nuclear power plants and a corresponding call (www.sauber-bleiben.de) sign. "After all, three candidates of the FDP sheared from the phalanx of nuclear friends. In the Union there was not a single avowed friend of the renewable, "said Pilarsky-Grosch.
contrast, there was of Alliance 90/The Greens, the SPD and the Left Party, only votes for a clear change of direction in energy policy of the country. A total of 206 of 350 surveyed candidates in the survey, ie 59 percent. Pilarsky-Grosch: "With our call, we wanted to encourage the candidates to a clear commitment to renewable beyond campaign tactics verbal acrobatics. Now lets see. Separates the wheat from the chaff "
" 2020 must be set the course for a sustainable energy supply in Baden-Württemberg " stressed the Stuttgart energy scientist Dr. Joachim Nitsch, who in his for the Alliance, "We choose the future: renewable sources instead of nuclear" drawn energy scenario "Sustainability 2010/2050" actually derives the measures in the country must be taken to the target by mid-century to . reach Thereafter, in Baden-Württemberg renewable energy by 2020 already contribute a third of the electricity generation by 2050 there would be virtually 100 percent and two-thirds relative to the total energy consumption.
Unlike today, the wind energy is taking to Nitsch's findings, a central role. Currently, they form Baden-Württemberg - where once the now spread worldwide, "Three-winger" was invented - because of the "persecuted for years, openly hostile country wind energy policy in last among all countries face in Germany." Although the state government now leave the significant wind energy potential in the country identify more precisely the same time keep in their energy plan in 2020 to set completely inadequate expansion targets. The annual extension rate will be increased under these plans difficult, the country falls compared to other provinces such as the Rhineland-Palatinate further back.
long term, wind energy as part of the overall scenario cover about 20 percent of electricity needs - and to only 0.4 percent of the area. Nitsch: "In Baden-Württemberg there is no lack of wind energy potential, nor to appropriate areas. It only lacks the political will. "Now it was important to the country, especially when wind energy development from" out perform the lost decade of lethargy. " This had the development of renewable energy not only verbally and enjoy clear priority to the omitted conflicting lifetime extension of nuclear power plants.
The undersecretary-administration is operating "in Stuttgart, an energy policy of the rhetorical fogging" criticized Rainer Baake, the federal secretary of the German Environmental Aid eV (DUH): "The closer the election date, the green is they think they are. The state government was trying to convey to the audience, the extension of reactor life time and the development of renewable energy could be amicably side by side. Baake said that this is limited due to the controllability of nuclear power plants, against all entreaties of the nuclear lobby is impossible. Instead of continuing to maintain the extension of the nuclear power plant run times, the country should be worrying about the remaining power plants with the requirements of a growing number of renewable energy in power is justified. Required either a larger share of fast controllable gas-fired power plants, the Restructuring of the electricity networks and the development of new electricity storage. Baake, "With renewable and nuclear power, there is no common way to a whatever kind of energy policy future. Anyone who says otherwise sprinkled sand in people's eyes. This is not about ideology, but a matter of physics and economics. "
results of the candidate survey:
graphics candidate survey:
1 (approval by party):
http: / / sauber-bleiben.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Befragung-ZustimmungnachPartei.jpg
2 (total responses):
scenario 2010/2050: http://sauber-bleiben
. de/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Szenario_2010-2050.pdf
handout 2010/2050:
http://sauber-bleiben.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Thesenpapier-Energie- BaWü-2011.pdf
perspectives of wind energy:
For further information:
Rainer Baake
national manager
German Environmental Aid (DUH)
Mobil: 0151 55016943, Tel: 030 2400867-0, E-mail: baake@duh.de
Dr. Joachim Nitsch
energy scientists
Tel 0711 7801907, E-mail: jo. nitsch@t-online.de
Sylvia Pilarsky-Grosch
Bund Baden-Württemberg
Tel 07633 948256, E-mail: RAin.Pilarsky-Grosch @ t-online.de
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