Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Maxi Mounds E Chelsea Charms

"What we care about Australia ..."

The pharmacologist Hartmut Glos man warns of the effects of becoming a lack of sun and calls routinely in health studies of vitamin D is measured.

Ehgartner: The most important vitamin D source is the sun. Is it possible to replace this effect by vitamin D drops from the pharmacy?

Glos man When experimentally exposed people of similar age, weight, and skin type with a defined dose of UV-B, located between the individual person only small differences in the generated Amount of vitamin D. When I give the same group oral vitamin D, we see that individuals differ in the eighth to the factor: Some take the vitamin D almost never in the circuit, while others are very good. That is, the obtaining by far the most reliable way for people, vitamin D, via the sun.

Ehgartner: This will be pleased but not those dermatologists who think in the first place in the sun with skin cancer and warn against resistant.

Glos man Yes, it's a mistake to think the sun on the skin could be so easily replaced by drugs.

Ehgartner: What does this mean for the Winter, when UV-B radiation in our region could not pass up through the atmosphere? Recommend the way to the solarium?

Glos man If that is a certified tanning lamps which emit a corresponding proportion of UV-B radiation, says in adults, especially in older people, nothing against it. The important thing is that it is not brown, but would collect just a slight tint. Then you can see how increasing the vitamin D levels. Surprisingly, the more the lower the initial value was.

Ehgartner: How long should you stay?

Glos man suffice, depending on skin type, about six to eight minutes once or twice per week. Face, eyes and certain parts of the body should remain covered.

Ehgartner: The WHO classifies solariums officially since 2009 as a carcinogen. Do you have any doubts that this skin cancer will be supported?

Glos man scientifically proven the connection between sun and skin cancer, for example, the basal cell carcinoma, the most common type This skin cancer usually develops very visible on the head and neck area can be removed and that's it all most of the cases. Recently to a very interesting Danish study was published that showed that patients with basal cell carcinoma on average live longer than the general population. Of course it is not the cancer that causes this survival advantage, but the relationship with the sun and the higher vitamin D levels.

Ehgartner: What specifically makes vitamin D for a longer life?

Glos man studies show the influence on skeletal health. That can prevent a mirror above 75 nmol / L fatal hip fractures with high reliability.

Ehgartner: Most people know but not their vitamin D levels.

Glos man Therefore, I urge to share with colleagues that to a regular health examination and the determination of Vitamin-D value must belong. Several medical students in Innsbruck have their values can be determined from interest. The results were so dramatic that health policy is required.

Ehgartner: Are the boys too much in front of the computer?

Glos man Certainly. And if they go outside in the sun, so you are covered as if they were nuns or devout Muslims. This concerns not so much the girls, the show still skin. But they look at how the boys dress in the latest fashion. Many of them have katastophale bone values, some can make no sport more. I have recently taken a look at photos from my youth: We have borne from spring to fall short trousers - something may be found anywhere: they are all covered totally. They can not even make vitamin D in summer.

Ehgartner: Take yourself vitamin D drops?

Glos man I can almost test the whole family. Depending on the values given vitamin D: From the grandchildren to the almost 90 year old great-grandmother. And we have the third or fourth winter remain largely spared by flu-like infections. Data from the literature confirm this experience. This becomes noticeable only when permanent income - for months and years. This is not an instant effect.
We get vitamin D but also from sources which we believe do not. Some of the meat from organic beef, graze all summer on alpine pastures. Here we find the ideal absorbable form of the vitamin as a prohormone in large quantities. Our farmers know, unfortunately, does not mean that they produce, in fact, their beef a top prophylactic against bone fractures.

Ehgartner: How it came about really to this hysteria in relation to the sun?

Glos man The problem began when it was found that predominantly fair-skinned redhead, or emigrants to Australia were problems from the sun. And strangely, these conclusions were Investigations issued a global rule. What we care about Australia? If you want the best UV-B exposure have, then they have to go in our region, especially in the midday hours in the sun. Since the ratio of UV-B to UV-A is optimal. The deeper, however, the sun is, the lower the ratio, because UV-B rays are absorbed by the longer distance in the atmosphere before.
But of course this advisory for more sun without sunburn! Vitamin D is in good taste made quickly, long before there is a reddening of the skin.

Ehgartner: Why are you involved for your retirement so intensively on this issue?

Glos man Because vitamin D definitely has enormous health implications for people. It also bothers me that the work of Austrian vitamin D researchers such as mushroom and Dobnig in Graz and Vienna in Peterlik Although worldwide recognition, but to date no consequences in the local health policy are seen.

Hartmut Glos man, 70, is founder of the Institute of Biochemical Pharmacology, Innsbruck Medical University and longtime head of the institute since 1984. In his institute, the key enzyme that the amount of vitamin D precursor in the skin, regulates characterized for the first time. Here is a detail technical articles about vitamin D.
An abridged version of this interview was published this week in the Austrian news magazine Profil as part of an article on " radiotherapy " to vitamin D.


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