Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Monster Trucks: Drivers do not Gigaliner

carriers and drivers do not GigalinerPressemitteilung of 04.03.2011Thema: freight Gigaliner splits the trucking industry - video at the end of the article

carriers and drivers do not want a huge truck

Berlin. While the Federal Transport Ministry holds against the "no majority of the provinces of Gigaliner testing, the project is lacking even more in support of the trucking industry. The Verdi union, which represents many truck drivers, freight forwarders and criticized the concept of giant trucks and medium-sized and anti-labor. "No one in Germany wants the monster truck - just a handful of large transport companies and some manufacturers," said the CEO of the Alliance for Rail, Dirk Flege, on Friday in Berlin.

Verdi Deputy National Chairman, Andrea Kocsis, warned that the work load of the truck drivers through the use of longer trucks will continue to rise. "Truck drivers have a high responsibility. Already, the pressure is enormous. By Gigaliner to want a saddle on top of it is negligence, "said Kocsis. To the health and safety, it is not ordered in the transport industry for the best. The enormous price pressure on road transport leads already to the fact that drivers are forced to systematically self-exploitation. "If the Federal Ministry of Transport the giant trucks more expected efficiency, which is an increase in efficiency on the bones of riders and drivers, "concluded Kocsis.

agents also criticized the course of the Transport Ministry. "The Gigaliner is middle class," said the managing director of Spedition Pan Rösch, Jürgen mill. Within the industry there would be a cut-throat competition between large and medium-sized haulage companies. His company was environmentally friendly transport has repeatedly won environmental awards, such as leaves by Pan Rösch his refrigerated trucks to travel the long journey by rail. "Beats with the mega truck test drives the policy the exact opposite direction: who has road and rail links, which now feels verschaukelt, "said Mill.

Olaf Krüger, CEO of the association of freight forwarders (IBS), complained that the Gigaliner test run the road transport and rail off against each other instead of working on their link. Kruger calculated that nationwide operated giant trucks will reduce the cost of transport by road by 25 percent. Also for the single car traffic on the rail this is life threatening. "In the Netherlands and Denmark, there is no single car traffic more. For giant trucks are everywhere in real operation. "

criticized the Alliance for Rail, the railway hostile giant trucks from the taxpayers would have to be paid for dearly. "Our infrastructure is not suitable for long trucks," said the Pro-Rail Alliance Manager-Flege. Roundabouts, car parks and railway crossings are not designed for 25 meters, the tunnel would have to be adapted to the higher fire risk, "said Flege. "A small number of profiteers would have us believe that longer trucks are efficient, environmentally friendly and safe. But the opposite has now got about even in the road freight industry: mega trucks are expensive, environmentally damaging and dangerous ".

more information
list of trucking companies, which the giant trucks are skeptical opinion megatrucks: wollen-keine-gigaliner/speditionen-skeptisch-beim-gigaliner.pdf

polluting, and expensive gefähjrlich: und-fahrer-wollen-keine-gigaliner/argumente-gegen-gigaliner-umweltschaedlich-gefaehrlich-teuer.pdf

Press contact Dr. Barbara Wall Mount
Phone: 030-2462599-20


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