Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rose Garden Seating Map By Row

Soon new media monopoly in England? Threat to our democracy!

newsletter of AVAAZ.ORG

Dear friends,

The most powerful media mogul the world wants to buy half of the British media to expand its power and global efforts for the to peace, to the environment, undermine. We have only 48 hours to ask the British government to stop Rupert Murdoch:
could fall in 48 hours, almost half of the British media in the hands of one of the most dangerous media moguls in the world.

Rupert Murdoch has used his vast media empire to promote the Iraq war, the election of George W Bush to secure, to stir up resentment against Muslims and immigrants and to prevent global action on climate change. By
controls the British media, he enlarged his influence on virtually all issues that are close to us: From human rights to environmental protection. Murdoch's intentions shifted Britain is in turmoil and even the elected government with its help, deeply divided and has to make this week a decision. Global solidarity strengthened the pro-democracy protests in Egypt - and can now help in the UK. Let's stop Rupert Murdoch with a worldwide outcry. Sign the petition to the British decision-makers:

Murdoch undermines democracies around the world by elected politicians as long as extortion with one-sided reporting, until they His will meet. He manipulated for years democracies like the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, but now he wants to expand his control. In America, most of the Republican presidential candidates are on Murdoch's payroll. frowned upon as Obama Murdoch's Fox News network as a mere propaganda mouthpiece, he called the right-wing tea party movement to life and began to attack hatred against Obama's health care reform and peace efforts to broadcast to - the result is a great victory for the Republicans in the Congress elections in 2010.

But we can stop this powerful threat to our democracy. Last year, after a lunch with Murdoch, the Canadian prime minister's top aides in charge with the task of a Canadian political propaganda channel Murdoch-style building. prevent an outcry from Canadian Avaaz members was that this broadcaster is funded by the money of the taxpayers and just last week could prevent a new Avaaz campaign that the Canadian government removed journalistic standards that prohibit the broadcasting company lies to spread among the public. This week, Britain will become a battlefield. The fight against Murdoch has only just begun, but in Canada we have already won a victory. Click here to keep the pressure up in the UK:

The power of Avaaz and this moment in history is the power of unity. In the Arab world and elsewhere, people find all the boundaries together in common cause. Murdoch's power lies in its ability to share. His channel use fear and misinformation to the left to share from the right of foreign citizens, Muslim from the west, immigrants from non-white immigrants, etc. Murdoch that a democracy must be shared before it can be conquered. Let him show this week as unit looks like.

With hope, Ricken

, Alex, Emma, Sam, Miles, Alice, Iain, Pascal, Maria Paz and the whole Avaaz team


Murdoch is about to takeover by BSkyB, Financial Times (English) # ixzz1FHWHwqJE

report in German:
http://www. Announces

at Murdoch, Cameron pulls his head the government, Tages Anzeiger
http : / /

"Rupert Murdoch is a warmonger," Mirror, 1518,246094,00. html

Controversial statements about Murdoch: British Minister is trimmed, mirror, 1518,736057,00 html

American media. Islamists at Ground Zero, FAZ ~ ~ EF79281DD824740D9B61CD923F88061CD ATpl ~ ~ Ecommon Scontent.html

Tea Party: http://www.nzz Attack of the billionaires, NZZ
. ch/nachrichten/startseite/angriff_der_milliardaere_1.7528393.html

media mogul RUPERT MURDOCH: A flawless Republicans

Palin gets job at Fox News, Spiegel, 1518,671368,00 html

PALIN AND FOX NEWS. Pioneer of violence
http : / /

SAT1: Get in, and Rupert Murdoch, Süddeutsche -seven-satellite-image-dir-your-sender-1.1066140-2

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