Saturday, March 5, 2011

Egg White Instead Of Period Sign Of Pregnancy?

plagiarism and fake doctorate in parliament / newsletter of

From: Date: 4 Newsletter March 2011 16:31 Dear Mr.


had with surprise we found out that some politicians of doing this in their responses to foreign texts, without making those indicated. What members made use of where you find out in this newsletter. Also: Why is the non-responses from Lower Saxony Interior Minister Schünemann have employed on the Diet.

Our Topics at a Glance
- plagiarism and fake doctorate in parliament
- political contributions from EADS, Philip Morris and Krauss-Maffei: parliament lifts secrecy for more than a year
- Schünemann's non-answers to employ Diet
- The Hamburg-choice for this Topics, there are a parliamentary majority
- candidates start-Check: Your electoral assistance for Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt

Only thanks to your support, there is - Donate 5 € or promote us regularly. https: / /

plagiarism and fake doctorate in parliament

Not all responses to are also 1:1 by Members themselves in some cases were in the past, entire paragraphs copied from Wikipedia, without making those indicated. Also, in a response from Mayor of Cologne Roters found a section that stands so well on Wikipedia. But Rotenberg has an unusual explanation: he had not copied from the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia but him.
More in our blog article "copy & paste MPs.

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is not the first member of parliament, which the doctorate is lost. Another parliamentarian stumbled 2009 on a purchased title, led the prosecution against a further investigation to the alleged unauthorized use of an academic degree. Many people have these Members confronted with this question, but they did not receive a response in most cases.
More in our blog article "The doctor's Parliament Title, dissertations, and plagiarism in the mirror of civil matters. "

political contributions from EADS, Philip Morris and Krauss-Maffei: parliament lifts secrecy for more than a year
Many million € on the parties in 2009 flowed into the coffers, but by whom, which is only now becoming available. Secretly, quietly, the Bundestag President, the annual reports has put on the web, and the big question: Which company, which association, which is the individual parties connected so that they do in the election of 2009, remembered with a donation? Read the answers in our blog: "Political Contributions by EADS, Philip Morris and Krauss-Maffei: Bundestag secret was revealed after more than a year," eads-philip-morris-and-Krauss-Maffei-bundestag-luftet-secret-to-more-than-one-year /

Schünemann employ non-answers to parliament of Lower Saxony

on civil issues in secondment watch . Lower Saxony Interior Minister Uwe Schünemann de would not respond publicly - "For privacy reasons," he writes. Therefore, as is the question to the Minister of the Interior remain unanswered as to why it is the taxpayers actually have to pay for the cost of the Castor transport and not the cause.
Schünemann's non-answers have now even the parliament of Lower Saxony busy. Three members wanted to know from him in a question, how he came to his strange reason, and whether he would act as Home Secretary now to those Members who failed in his eyes against the data protection - by responding to citizens on public
More in our blog under "Answers Interior Minister Schünemann on citizen issues: data privacy laws "

after. the Hamburg-choice is for these subjects it a parliamentary majority
The newly elected citizenship Members will have much to do if they want to put their statements from the campaign in policy decisions, the abolition of tuition fees, building more social housing, the reduction of kindergarten fees. -increase - this and more, the majority of elected members now in our candidate-Check promised. We have the positions of the parliament before the election now analyzed again and found: For many, especially costly projects, there in the new citizenship an absolute majority.
What you find out in our blog: "After the Hamburg-choice for these projects are in the citizenship (k) an absolute majority" der hamburg-choice-for-the-projects-at-in-the-burger economy-no-absolute-majority started /

candidate-Check: Your electoral assistance for Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony Anhalt
you live in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt and do not know who to vote in the parliamentary election in late March? Then the candidate check, which this week in all three states has started, the right choice help. When candidates check you out with what your local candidates you are in tune to what subjects. Try it best right now:

candidates check for Baden-Württemberg
Start Here are answers to the question: Which of your local candidates are for or against Stuttgart 21, the retention of the tripartite school system, the extension of nuclear power times?
candidates check for Rheinland-Pfalz
Start Here you will find answers to the question: What are the candidates in your constituency are in favor of or against the introduction of kindergarten fees, the construction of the high-Moselle crossing and the Central high school?

candidate Check for Saxony-Anhalt
Start Here you will find answers to the question: Which of your local candidates are for or against joint longer learning , the expansion of the motorway A 14 and a switch to domestic lignite?
you is our work important? Then ...
please support us! At five euros a month you can help the independence and impartiality of secure. All currently support 1008 members, we want to thank at this point. But to operate durable and offer more land for days, we need more supporters and supporters!
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Kind regards from

Greg Hack Mack, Boris Hekele ... and the entire team

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Parliament eV, middle 12, 20148 Hamburg
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Parliament Watch Association is established in Hamburg, registered with the Amtsgericht Hamburg VR 19 479, Executive board members are Greg and Boris Hekele Hack Mack.

This newsletter was a total of 27 931 subscribers.

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