In the first part my article, I myself with the importance of chickenpox for the development of the child's immune system, the weaker Nest protection of babies vaccinated mothers, the rising incidence of chickenpox infection during pregnancy, and the uncertain long-term protection of the chickenpox vaccine is concerned. Here I dedicate myself now a phenomenon, to the thought of the introduction of vaccination in general no one has: namely, that adults benefit from contact with virus-wielding children - and more easily diagnosed without this contact at the dangerous shingles.
chickenpox act sick children to adults as a booster vaccination. (Photo: Ehgartner)
Argument 4: The chicken pox vaccination increases the risk shingles for serious diseases
chickenpox are caused by the varicella-zoster virus from the herpes family of viruses. When the chickenpox survived remain the viruses are a lifetime in the body. They hide on the nerves lie dormant in the nerve ganglia and spinal cord and the cranial nerves. (They have way with the herpes simplex virus, another representative of this family in common. If these herpes viruses wake up from its semi in the nerve ganglia and active will notice we, for example, from fever blisters on the lips.)
chickenpox viruses usually have a quite persistent sleep and be at Most human life never becomes active. If yet, the result is much more serious than the annoying, but otherwise not dangerous cold sores: namely, those affected will suffer from shingles (herpes zoster). Symptoms include burning and some pain in that area of skin that is supplied by the affected nerve cord. Finally, forming bubbles that are filled with infectious fluid. Now, shingles contagious patients and the sick grandpa could, for example, infect the grandchild. But not with shingles themselves, but with chicken pox. Shingles itself is not transferable.
This peculiarity of the chickenpox virus is, incidentally, the reason why it is here - in contrast to the measles virus - is completely impossible to eradicate this virus anywhere. For even in vaccinated put the live virus used in this case firmly in the nerves.
Whether the attenuated virus from the vaccination later trigger a weaker form of shingles, is a question that is currently difficult to answer. There are still no studies, because these effects are very long term, the children are vaccinated early and shingles occurs predominantly in the elderly.
that in any case can also suffer from shingles have been vaccinated, but it is known already. A team of Columbia University observed people who were among the first chickenpox vaccinees in the U.S., over a period of ten to 26 years for the occurrence of shingles. In fact, the risk of disease so far proved to be equal than in the general population who have gone through the normal chickenpox.

now the interesting phenomenon that the contact with sick children, the "sleeping" Viruses of the adults in check and protects it against shingles. A British study could actually measure this relationship. The scientists collected from medical centers in London, 244 cases of shingles and then searched for each found patients with two control subjects without shingles, but the same age and same gender. As a result, now all study participants were asked exactly how much use they had for the last ten years with children with chickenpox and especially sick children. In the analysis showed that occasional contact with fresh virus reduced the risk of shingles in adults, one fifth. The authors warn that because in the final paragraph of their work and the consequences that could have a prevention of chickenpox for the adults: "If the disease is reduced in children through the introduction of a chickenpox vaccine, it could lead to an increase in shingles cases among adults . could turn
How much of this increase is shown by the study a team from the "Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre in London. First, they investigated whether the risk of shingles makes a difference if the same age adults living in the household with children. It was found that the mediated via the children Contact with chicken pox virus, the incidence of shingles by 25 percent significantly reduced. This value, the British now as a basis for mathematical modeling. And the result was supposed to be sound any alarm bells. The London researchers, writing saying:
The mass vaccination against chickenpox will cause a major epidemic of herpes zoster (shingles). More than 50 percent of those people who were at the time of the introduction of vaccination ten to 44 years old will be affected by the disease.
Half of the population shingles sick? That would be a real nightmare scenario. But the observations in the U.S. already show that the UK calculation could well apply.
in the U.S. are vaccinated the children since the mid-90s against chickenpox. And because there the rule "no vaccination - no school (" no vaccination no school ") applies, the coverage among children is over 80 percent.
scientists from Harvard University in Boston studied now the course of the two diseases in the recent past. This showed a disturbing trend that could worsen in the coming years. While the chicken pox in the period 1998-2003 ie from 16.5 annual cases per 1,000 persons 3.5 Cases declined, doubled the frequency of shingles and almost went during the five years from 2.8 cases to 5.3 cases. This is now available in the United States already significantly more cases of shingles than chickenpox. Most affected people are over 65 years. The highest rate was found, surprisingly, among younger adults in the age group of 25 to 44 years. This increased the risk of developing shingles, a whopping 161 percent.
We dramatically increase this effect, occupies one recent study by a team from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. It showed that from the general introduction of the chickenpox vaccine takes five years until the first boost in shingles took hold. But since then it goes up rapidly. In parallel, the increased costs for the treatment of shingles. In 2004 they were up 700 million U.S. dollars over the previous effort.
This is all the more remarkable as was the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine originally founded not so much with the health hazards associated with chicken pox, but especially with the savings to the economy. When ill no longer the children, parents need to take fewer days of care and make the vaccine alone, this effect already profitable, it said in the economic calculations.
Unfortunately, forget the costs, which now causes the increase in shingles. And that sounds like the résumé of the study authors from Michigan because even in this respect quite sobering.
"The chickenpox vaccine has meant that the cost for the treatment of chickenpox in 1993 declined significantly by 2004 this saving was less than the simultaneous increase in the cost of treatment for shingles. "
The vaccine manufacturers responded quickly and took recently, a shingles vaccine on the market. It mimics the contact with chickenpox ill children and contains - due to the weaker immune system of elderly people - The chickenpox virus in 14-fold higher dose than in the children's vaccination. This pharmaceutical protection against shingles will cost around 200 € and is approved in Europe since 2006. Because of the enormous costs that caused the shingles to the health systems, there are now already studies that confirm the economic benefits of a state-paid herpes zoster vaccination for all persons over the age of 65. Especially, of course, in those countries, where it was previously fought with the general varicella vaccination chickenpox in children.
Overall, the phenomenon of chickenpox is a good example, as from a once harmless childhood disease - if they from the pharmaceutical industry and their accomplices will be properly taken under the wing - a highly profitable health problem for society can be created.
Conclusion: The introduction of chickenpox vaccine in the U.S. has led to an increased incidence of shingles, a condition that is difficult to treat and can cause intense pain. The cost for the treatment of shingles have increased so that so that all savings in the treatment of chickenpox are nullified.
Read here by Part 3 .
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