Should I vaccinate my child against chickenpox? Part 1 In 2004 recommended the German Vaccination Commission STIKO complete surprise and was the first country in Europe, the general chickenpox (varicella) vaccination of children - along the lines of the United States -. from the age of eleven months
Austria, followed suit recently. The vaccination schedule for first time in 2010 and the early chickenpox vaccination of all children registered -. And that already from the age of nine months, but in any case "before the entry into community facilities" In Switzerland, however, as to before the old recommendation, only those young people and adults be vaccinated, which is not the chickenpox naturally Paths have been through. pursue
The pressure, the German-American way in the fight against chickenpox is increasing across the EU. Meanwhile, just two singles and a combination vaccine against chickenpox in the market. The warnings from the experts, the children as early as possible to vaccinate against the most harmless infectious disease to be more urgent. The reason given above, that in rare cases it can cause complications can be reduced with vaccination days of care for working parents, and generally avoided using every disease of the health of children. Many parents, however, many doctors feel, lack the necessary information and do not know what recommendations they should now follow: Why - and what with the chicken pox vaccine?
I have dealt extensively with this topic and would like to make my arguments for discussion argument 1. The Chickenpox is a training camp for the maturing immune system Our immune system consists of two parts: the innate and the acquired. While the innate ready-made is available and especially during the first months of life is vital, growing importance of the acquired the skills learned over time. In addition to our consciousness the Immune system is our second learning self. As individual, the experience of a person as a special neural networks manifest in the brain, they do so at the level of our immune system.
During the birth, the immune system begins with his work and hear it - if we're lucky - a life no longer. The main learning effects occur more naturally in the early years of a child if the impressions are fresh and the immune system all common viruses and bacteria get to know the area.
the course of infection, the immune system gradually acquires his powers. This includes the interaction of immune and nervous systems, such as in the regulation by fever, discharge and parking of inflammation, the molecular distinction between foreign and native proteins, the assessment of a foreign protein as dangerous or hazardous and many other such skills, the complex processes that science is just beginning to understand the approach.
When the immune system can develop undisturbed, we gain a competent companion for life, which protects up to old age against infectious diseases. A second, probably even more important role has the immune system when it runs up to sleep during our best. It subjects the organism to a regular service, for the sick and cancerous, proliferating cells are detected and stopped.
The immune system is not only a guardian angel of the people, it can also turn against the organism and become unpredictable apparatus that makes life a living hell, if it holds such harmless pollen for dangerous invaders and inflammation severe asthma exacerbations or if it triggers the body's own proteins does not detect attacks its own intestines or nerve cells and causes severe permanent damage. If not succeed in the learning process and the maturation of the immune system, threatening chronic allergies and autoimmune diseases.
chickenpox is now one of the typical viral diseases break out in virtually all children and give the immune system, a training camp. Some doctors argue that each disease is avoided in principle already a gain for the people. Others stress that it takes the usually harmless childhood illnesses occurring to ensure the maturation of the immune system - and this seems much more likely.
Extreme provides evidence for this animal experiment: If the animals thrive growing up in a germ-free environment, they indeed magnificent - but then if they still so a harmless virus to be exposed, these animals are killed on the spot. This argues against the hypothesis that avoided any illness a profit.
The chickenpox vaccine contains live but weakened varicella virus, which - not absorbed through the mucous membranes from the air, "but by the vaccinating physician injected under the skin - in contrast to the wild virus. The tolerability of the vaccine is described as good, fever is rare, the reaction of the immune system goes largely unnoticed. How is the learning effect of the real virus from that of the attenuated vaccine virus is different and what role chickenpox in detail for the maturation of the immune system play is unknown. Is not clear, furthermore, whether these learning processes differ from those in the immune system such as contact do with cold viruses. No one knows how many minor infection to the development of a mature immune system is necessary. Currently, our knowledge is similar to the highly complex processes by which the immune system works, just the tip of an iceberg just emerged.
Nevertheless, modern medicine attempts - quite a good intention - the immune system of all possible levers to manipulate and influence in a desired direction. sabotage - Some
with fever-reducing drugs that the intention of the immune system - namely, to produce fever and thus to optimize their working conditions.
with inflammation or inhibiting drugs such as cortisol, a stress hormone that is part of the main opponent of the immune system.
Direct effects also have antibiotics that can cause the intestine, the largest organ of the immune system, under the helpful bacteria a devastating clear-cutting.
addition to include the many modern medicines for rheumatism, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and other autoimmune diseases, which today form the "blockbuster" among the top-selling drugs and drive up health insurance companies in the financial abyss.
And finally, including vaccinations, where the immune system - to be conveyed by the experiences made disease - again the best of intentions - without these diseases actually do by themselves.
Anyone interested in more detail for the development of a healthy immune system is, to my book " praise of the disease - Why it's healthy, now and then too ill to be " It was made in 2010 reissued as a paperback published by Lübbe. . )
parallel to these in recent decades have become more frequent interventions in the immune system, the number of permanent impairment of the immune system has increased dramatically: More than a hundred autoimmune diseases are now known, many have already the rank of common diseases. Then there are the various allergies, from those in developed countries, nearly a third of the population is affected.
But however easy it is medicine to influence a healthy immune system in its functions from the outside, so hopeless is their knowledge, if it is a disturbed and normalize immune thrown off track again.
that it might be a connection between the manipulation of the immune system and its problems is either denied or severely silently ignored.
Conclusion: The chickenpox vaccine offers for the maturation of the immune system compared to the naturally occurring disease, a probably much lower learning curve. Moreover, it is at the chickenpox vaccine, for a further manipulation of the immune system. The effect of these two effects are unknown and insufficiently researched. Argument 2: Vaccinated mothers give their babies less nest protection As a jump start for the birth or immature immune system to give the mothers to their babies a supply of protective antibodies - the so-called nest protection - with.
These antibodies mediate protection against those viruses and bacteria with which the immune system of the mother over the years and made the acquaintance of which an immune memory in the form of cells and has created antibodies. This nest protection, the first weeks and months to bridge after birth, in which the newborn is particularly vulnerable to health.
chickenpox be vaccinated later on their own children less' nest protection in the form of protective antibodies, because the weaker immune response after vaccination than after failure made by disease. While chicken pox, which occurs in the normal age (approximately between two and six years), usually completely harmless runs, which is in infancy, and in youth and adulthood is not the case. The complication rate for chicken pox runs in a U-curve: at the beginning of life and in later life is the organism with these viruses clearly bad.
This problem also applies to other viral diseases such as measles. Because here is vaccinated for many years, the effects are already better understood.
In a methodologically very good work that was published in May 2010 in the British Medical Journal
Elke Leuridan and colleagues from the University of Antwerp as the effect is enormous. They studied a group of 207 pregnant women, of whom about half were vaccinated and received the other half of their immunity to measles disease. In
Was compared in the vaccinated women, the antibody concentration that was given to the babies on the lower three and a half times. After only a month ago was their "nest protection" used up. The babies whose mothers had not undergone measles were, however, for almost four months fully protected against measles.
The phenomenon observed here is one reason why many of vaccination parents today let their children vaccinated against measles because measles-wave would mean for the newborn infants of vaccinated mothers an enormous danger only to prevent a measles epidemic. protect these babies - especially since it is not possible, at this early Age to vaccinate themselves. About
general measles vaccination thus a penalty incurred, which is now all the people in the duty to vaccinate their children as well. Otherwise, it would help to re-occur new measles waves and then there is for babies vaccinated mothers danger.
Upon the chicken pox we still at the beginning of this development. But the way is now but prescribed by the recommendation of the
STIKO in Germany and the followers in other countries already: Within a few years this results in a similar, perhaps even worse as in measles dynamics. For while chickenpox mainly in the age group most of the previously extend harmless, the radical changes if they occur suddenly increased in newborns, adults and pregnant women. Here, chickenpox serious danger to life.
Conclusion: If his children be vaccinated against chickenpox, risks that later noticed that their grandchildren less nest protection from their vaccinated mothers and ill these babies in the particularly delicate phase following the birth of a life-threatening infection can. Argument 3: The vaccination is unreliable, the age of onset increases dramatically. The higher the proportion of vaccinated children, the less the chicken pox wave through the country. The result is that the disease occurs later on average.
Very well, this can be seen in the U.S., where since the mid-90s, the general recommendation for vaccination from the first year of life. As in Europe, was also in the U.S. compared to much of the first population and the physicians of the chickenpox vaccine skeptical. Finally, however, a state possessed by one the vaccination, according to the known slogan "no vaccination - no school." Those who could not make any philosophical or religious objections submitted or from whom this procedure was too complicated, had So the children get vaccinated because they are not otherwise allowed in the school. About this constraint was able to raise the vaccination rate of 27 percent in 1997 to 88 percent in 2005.
same time - see the reports of the health authorities
- the average age of onset has five years to eleven years more than doubled. If this trend continues, it will become a regular cases of chickenpox occur in pregnancy. Here the virus - similar to German measles - can cause serious damage to the unborn, what is important to stillbirths or babies are born with disabilities.
This triggered the vaccination campaign Risk is also aware of the authorities. Studies show that was introduced at the time when the mass vaccination, about 95.5 percent of the 20-year and 98.9 percent of the 30-year and 99.6 percent of those 40 were immune to chickenpox (Source: NHANES III "Varicella in Americans' JMedVirol 2003;. 70:111-118). But to preserve rather than the high protection rates by not just vaccinated and thereby virtually all children all the way to puberty, the chickenpox (varicella) by and are therefore protected, must the women now - eg
Austrian vaccination schedule from 2010 - before pregnancy a two-time vaccine safety and even a serological investigation (examination of the be antibody titer in the blood is recommended): represent
Since varicella in adults, a serious disease and presenting with disease in pregnancy significant complications, is recommended for all unvaccinated 9-17 year olds not Varizellenanamnese (or with negative serology), the vaccination (2 doses at a minimum interval of 6 weeks) injection.
In rare cases, can cause varicella-zoster virus infection within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy to malformations in the fetus.
The balance sheet of the U.S. vaccination campaign is so ambiguous. It ill now though significantly fewer children for chickenpox, those who caught it yet, but they are much older and have a higher risk of complications. And there are not so few, the disease despite vaccination. Even schools, where nearly 100 percent of the students were vaccinated, were covered by chicken pox epidemics. It was found that the originally assumed to be very high efficacy of vaccination within a few years greatly abated. The U.S. authorities had the protection rate of vaccination revise down and gave the efficiency now at 44 to 86 percent.
The Munich epidemiologist Rüdiger von Kries
and his team analyzed all chickenpox outbreaks of the last decade, and came into this meta-analysis to an average protection rate of 72.5 percent. While a rich neighborhood of vaccinated children by vaccination thus receives no protection, it is currently also the rest could not be anticipated, as long as they at stops of the immunity, so as the "booster effect" of increasingly wild virus remains: This is the refreshing of the immunity meant to be stopped sooner regularly in contact with chickenpox-ill children.
Currently, two separate vaccines (
Varilrix of GlaxoSmithKline GSK, and Varivax
by Sanofi Pasteur MSD) and a combination vaccine on the market (
Priorix-Tetra, GSK). There are many indications that the single vaccines have a slightly higher efficiency and protection with the combination vaccine still leaves something to quickly. Nevertheless, today in Germany mostly used the combination vaccine - probably by the number of vaccinations the incriminating often degenerate into a Heulkonzert, as low as possible. Along with poor efficiency are apparent after the combined vaccination also more side effects. A recently in the journal Pediatrics
published study found a doubled risk of febrile seizures in the period after the MMRV combination vaccine as a single dose of MMR plus varicella vaccine.
The German "
Association of measles and varicella (AGMV) " operates a monitoring system that is attended by around 600 doctors who report monthly to their cases. The AGMV is a joint initiative of Berlin's Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the vaccine manufacturers. The scientific leadership lies with the Robert Koch Institute, with the implementation, however, the German Green Cross commissioned, often occurring as a lobbying and public relations agency, the vaccine industry.
It is now long practice that allows the authorities to pay their activities by the industry. This
invested it to you. She bought it with such partnerships - in addition to the goodwill of the authorities - including a first access to the data. The result is both an information advantage and the opportunity to interpret the data in the public to make communications with.
So far, the data show a significant drop in Germany for the chicken pox cases. In the period from 2006 to 2008 the vaccination rate rose from 38% for chicken pox to 53%. Nearly all the respondents know of the chickenpox vaccine . The most important influence factor for or against the vaccine has been interviewing the parents, according to the doctor's advice. In general, the parents followed the doctor recommendation. And the doctors to year are more willing. From 2006 to 2008 its consent to vaccination rose from 48% to 60%. However, this means that there are still 40% of the physicians of the chickenpox vaccine are skeptical or opposed.
at parents previously unvaccinated Children shows a contrary trend. Here, the proportion of those who declare that they do not vaccinate their children against chickenpox in the period from 34% to 40%.
the authors of a Munich varicella-monitoring system the fact that the number of breakthrough disease increased greatly over the years of observation. So that those vaccinated are meant, then the disease still chickenpox. While the share in the first season (2006/07) was 2.7%, it increased in subsequent seasons to 5.2% and 2008/09 was 7.9%.
Where the trend is here to show the latest figures
from October 2010. This month, reported the practices of AGMV Surveillance Systems total of 395 new cases of chickenpox. The proportion of subjects among the patients was now already at 30.6%. was
In the United States issued on the basis of similar experiences from 2006, the recommendation for an obligatory second chickenpox vaccine for primary immunization, a measure which follows
pushed by industry-related German Impfexperten was and since 2009 in Germany and, now, in Austria in the vaccination schedule is. The health authorities hope that it now gives a better activity that can reasonably compete with that of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccination.
The German authors of the cited meta-analysis (including two members of the STIKO) show in this regard In her work, however, skeptical, and express concern that the rate of protection over time may ease again.
Conclusion: The protection of the chickenpox vaccine to be relatively rapid, ill about a quarter of subjects later anyway. Whether this effect can be stopped by the recently introduced second vaccination, is doubted by experts. U.S. experience shows, has doubled since the introduction of mass vaccination, the average age of onset. Now, more cases of chickenpox during pregnancy threaten that - as with rubella - the serious complications and fetal malformations may result.
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PART 2 of Article .