Thursday, December 23, 2010

Does Tiffany And Co Do After Christmas Sales?

telenovela: Made Radeland

Here is the first result of a slightly older telenovela of mine who has stolen later, a medium known television, pimped by their quotas. However, it was then occupied in fact not such a high level, as planned by me.

Made Radeland
a soap opera in 400 episodes (this is only the first season)

Episode 1

Lara Lea Anastasia Schmidt (Monica Belluci) grows in Berlin-Prenzel Auer-Berg near Luckenwalde on. Their father, who she affectionately called "La Bomba Sexual" is none other than Bill Gates (Daniel Brühl). After a brilliant high school on the French Gymnasium in Berlin and with distinction as the best of the year only three years after finishing his studies at the Sorbonne, Oxford, MIT in Boston and at the Hagen distance in the fields of economics, business computer science, management, engineering , draws architecture, health technologies and special education is Lara-Lea-Anastasia in the 200-strong community brandenburger Radeland. When, after initial difficulties in baker White Huber receives an internship, she is happy that she got anything at all. First, they may work but only at the till. But then it goes very quickly. She falls unhappy with her boss, master baker Ulf White Huber (Axel Prahl). Although unaware of it and, above all, not that she speaks seven languages fluently, she makes the short time to his assistant. It may now always use the oven. This especially bothered the other people who are all so ugly and stupid village idiots like Ulf and therefore had actually had the privilege to operate the furnace. In this situation of unrequited love and general hostility she finds support for her longtime school friend friend Richy del supremo, 23 years old from LA, California, USA, who gave up his flourishing extra for them carriers to drawn to her for her to donate his Radeland and comforting shoulder. Played the ladies' man Richy del supremo George Clooney. Since no Radeland dachas more free, it must return temporarily in the memory of the village miller Horst Krause (Horst Krause). He quickly falls in love with Lara Lea Anastasia, the suspect nothing of her happiness.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Adjusting Propane Flame

Should I vaccinate my child against chickenpox? Part 3

In Part 1 and Part 2 this series of articles I have commented on the serious health problems, which leads to the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine with it: For the vaccinated children, the babies vaccinated mothers and - the raised shingles - risk. and for the total population
time I go into the question of how it is possible that we knowingly Sun to pursue a direction and go one way, the future generations, largely without alternating possibility hostage increases. The answer is as commonplace as unworthy of a society that to its high democratic maturity boasts: In the immunization seem crucial principles of scientific work suspended. The authorities fail in their control function and a lobby of Impfexperten may want to exercise and how it pleases

argument 5. The recommendation for universal varicella vaccination was not due to health reasons, but for the good the vaccine industry and decided on the initiative of its close links with experts lobby

After German official vaccination schedule babies get in the first two years of life, now eleven vaccinations before twelve to protect diseases, including four doses of a six-fold and two doses of a quadruple vaccine. Compared to the eighties, the number of vaccinations has more than doubled.
What is the vaccination schedule, determine the experts of the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) at Berlin's Robert Koch Institute. Especially in recent years has done much here. With recommendations for the varicella, pneumococcal, meningococcal and HPV vaccination four new products were included in the official vaccination schedule. Until recently, the health insurance companies could decide whether to play for the costs. Since a change in the law, which came into force in July 2007, however, they are obliged to: What recommends the STIKO and the "Federal Joint Committee (JCC)" approved, it must be paid for by health insurance.

For manufacturers vaccinations are largely risk-free business. In contrast to other drugs used here is the patent protection will not. Therefore, there is no cheap copycat drugs (generics), the prices can be set at any height. And being able to play even the Impfexperten and recommend vaccination in general, even breaking out the land of plenty for the vendor companies: Due to the mass vaccination of an entire birth cohort provided by paragraph, without the marketing departments of corporations themselves are still active . Would And demanded for a more modern for the vaccination also significantly higher prices and paid for, is the former "Groscherlgeschäft", which join in the pharmaceutical industry alongside with good will to become a real financial market hopes. Vaccine manufacturers are currently considered the most lucrative segment of the total pharmaceutical market. Even the most bizarre concepts such as a vaccine against tooth decay, high blood pressure or Alzheimer's disease will find the confidence of investors and stock exchanges are start-ups with such vaccines in the portfolio as a pilot. But they promise huge profit margins if it is possible to bring them to market - at most comparable with novel Drugs in cancer therapy.

sparked the current boom gave the U.S. company Wyeth. He presented in 2001 with "Prevenar" from his new vaccine against pneumococcus, calling for a time as a completely crazy prestigious award of more than 100 €. As a result, has led in many countries to fierce debate as to whether this extremely expensive vaccine should be paid for by health insurance or not. "This vaccine costs for children's vaccinations would have doubled at a stroke," explained the Mainz pediatrician Heinz-Josef Schmitt, the former long-time chairman of the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO).

STIKO is a Ministry of Health established an independent expert commission, whose recommendations to the German vaccination schedule will be implemented. Because of the close financial ties to vaccine manufacturers to Impfexperten fell in recent years in the crossfire criticism. Above all, her boss. "HJ" Schmitt (photo), he describes himself as happy in its opinions and contributions, had accepted for years highly paid research contracts from the vaccine manufacturers. Also in the studies on pneumococcal vaccination, he was involved. Yet he was allowed to discuss the status of the technical questions STIKO vaccination with. Only for the voting itself, he had to wait outside the door. Schmitt made to me no bones about the fact that he campaigned vigorously for the recommendation for pneumococcal vaccination: "This has properly requires brains, to which was recommended," he said to me in an interview on tape. "We have used six years."

a pharmaceutical lobbyist as chairman of the independent commission of experts giving're already one of the features that have been tolerated in Impfbereich many years in Germany. Almost every year new vaccinations were in Schmitt's auspices on the scene: in addition to pneumococcal or meningococcal and varicella. The closure was eventually the vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV). Meanwhile, had the cash to the enormous Amounts for new vaccines apparently already used. The HPV vaccine Gardasil, presented with a prize of 450 € for the basic immunization on again a spectacular new record. As early as 2007 Gardasil sales jumped from 267 million euros on top of the top-selling drugs. And although it is only during the first half at all come on the market. Schmitt had forced the flash-approval in the STIKO vehemently.

How secure these men felt and how of course they are in full public view with the industry put to bed, shows a small episode, which probably would be possible in any other branch of science - and in the economy would probably be prosecuted. Sun HJ Schmitt did not have any doubts, just before the the recommendation of the HPV vaccine through the STIKO officially again soon a price "for the promotion of Impfgedankens" to accept, which was endowed with a sum of 10,000 €. Was donated the sum of Gardasil maker Sanofi-Pasteur MSD.
Wolfgang Becker Brüser, editor of industry-independent "drug-Telegram" rebelled:
"How can you accept as a publicly witness a price from a pharmaceutical company whose products I have are too? - Those are like public corruption "

for HJ Schmitt have been 10,000 euros in comparison to his other income a relatively paltry sum, the look was still devastating. This episode characterizes the self-perception of Impfbranche but excellent: A clique of experts in the gray zone of opaque financial braids not the least by the process of each other gifts to the public with industry funding: because they Impfgedanken - promote this good - at the expense of contributors. Such a lack of awareness is wrong that has been practiced here for years little public criticism and virtually no control by the competent authorities.

In the fall of the same Schmitt took the year as its price and the vaccine manufacturers with a blank subscription to the HPV vaccines nor for years to billions of euros of revenue secured, suddenly as he thanked Professor Mainz and down as chairman and STIKO moved completely to the side of vaccine manufacturers. Schmitt is now Vice President Global Medical Affairs at Novartis Behring.

But even after leaving the majority of Schmitt STIKO members has many ties to industry. Only five of 16 members of the Infection Protection Act enshrined "independent body" to advise the Ministry in vaccination issues today are completely or largely free of financial ties to manufacturers the vaccines. It decide STIKO recommendations as to which vaccinations are reimbursed by the statutory health insurance.

How can such conflicts of interest may affect the health practice described to me, "Off the Record" a senior official of the Austrian Health Ministry, discussed with the representatives of a U.S. drug company over the possible treatment by the tax payer. supposedly independent - - Impfexperten present for the negotiations, some were. "The atmosphere was heated up and became more aggressive," the official told me, "because the Americans were determined to enforce the reimbursement by health insurance." There was even threatened with a public campaign, which should stand up, the then Minister of Health was to blame for the death of hundreds of children. "And the worst thing that our Impfexperten are worse behaved than the American." We have noticed absolutely no difference, said the official, who is now employed by the pharmaceutical company and who was a supposedly independent expert.

In the self-reported STIKO members on the website has been the Robert Koch published Institute , there's often an indication that held "talks on Impfthemen without product terms," whose "professional fees partly funded by vaccine manufacturers (re) " were. This may sound rather suspicious. In practice, hidden behind such formulations, however, often appeared on pharmaceutical advertising and promotion. A typical example is the appearance of the Cathedral Stiko member Klaus Wahle at a meeting of Sanofi Pasteur MSD, the manufacturers of the vaccine "Zostavax" against herpes zoster (shingles). According to a report of the doctors' newspaper this event was Professor Wahle stuck up for vaccinations, such as this "record capped services provided by statutory health insurance" in the. For "the zoster vaccine complements the annual influenza vaccination and every six years recommended pneumococcal vaccination in an ideal manner and should therefore be recommended as the standard vaccine quickly. "
The Robert Koch Institute no details about the amount of additional income so obtained. Fees are well into four figures for such appearances but certainly with the market. As a small supplement to the meager salary professor.
The deputy chairman of the STIKO, Ulrich Heininger, received by all major vaccine manufacturers, lecture fees, acts as a consultant for the company and accepted invitations to attend scientific meetings.

Fred Zepp (photo), who is just as Schmitt of the University of Mainz, a package of secondary employment for the industry. He published studies together with employees of pharmaceutical companies and holds lectures on relevant scientific events - such as in June 2008 at a conference in Kuala Lumpur, where he touted the benefits of the vaccine Cervarix the group GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). The event was paid by GSK, that group, which also produced two of the three chicken pox vaccines. The second chair next to Zepp proved in the main job even as a GSK employee and product manager of Cervarix.
How should such persons be able to bring in their own independent financial links with expertise in the STIKO? When I spoke to Fred Zepp to these conflicts of interest, said he told me crossly:
"If you do not like, so you must STIKO just filled with housewives."
An argument that what you want well that the science of vaccination is so very complicated that the only people with close relationships industry in general are able to understand. The largely uncritical

proximity to industry is not only a feature of the German Impfexperten scene. The chairman of the Austrian Impfausschusses the Supreme Medical Council, Ingomar Mutz is, for example, not too stupid for this, both as active volunteer president of the Austrian Green Cross to act, a lobbying association for vaccine-PR. Claire Anne Siegrist, in turn, the President of the Federal Commission for Vaccination is on the fee schedule of nearly all major vaccine manufacturers.
behaves similar in almost all other countries. Nowhere has managed to build a reasonably clean, the people, not the interests of the pharmaceutical industry shall advise beings. And also applies to international organizations the same. The World Health Organization is also saturated with lobbyists like the health authorities of the United States or the European Medicines Agency EMEA. Here, the access of the industry itself is the fact that the "independent" Authority under the Industrial Commissioner and whose budget is financed to a substantial part of the contributions of the pharmaceutical industry.

The recommendation for varicella vaccination in Germany was close to approval of GSK's product Priorix-Tetra a quadruple vaccine, in addition to measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox now containing the component. Previously, created as with the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine in the U.S., some cost-benefit analysis, which all showed that the public saves money when the chickenpox vaccine is generally used as a children's vaccination. Almost all of these studies were paid for by the manufacturers. Controversial, partly manipulated data were used as the base, negative circumstances - such as the expected cost explosion in the treatment of shingles - however, simply ignored. And such studies were then - called by STIKO in its justification for the introduction of vaccination - without any sense of shame.

both in the medical profession as well as health insurance, there was initially little understanding of this step. Were the insurance so far always followed the expert advice of STIKO, was issued a week later an official announcement of the leading associations of health insurance, which the scientific basis of the decision was challenged. Not meet the minimum STIKO study data nor the findings complication would be understandable. The available funds should be invested rather heavily in the eradication of measles, as kick off a new vaccination strategy with questionable outcome. In 95 percent of cases the disease was completely free of complications, so the argument runs. Only by the vaccine increased the risk that the chicken pox be made a serious illness.
Other critics, such as the editor of the independent drug- telegram Wolfgang Becker Brüser threw STIKO before too great a proximity to the pharmaceutical industry. We have often the impression, Becker-Brüser that she thinks of the rights of producers than those of subjects would be safeguarded. "With this ever-escalating recommendations do the authorities ensure the Impfgedanken any favors. "
the Munich-based pediatrician Martin Shepherd also urgently warned against this" uncontrolled human experiment. " It would be a mistake to believe that each disease prevented automatically gain. "For infections such as chickenpox may have a positive effect on cancer or other diseases later in life," said Shepherd. "One was to investigate any case thoroughly before this creates a constraint that is not reversible."
Ex-Chairman STIKO HJ Schmitt understood the fuss over the decision is not in the least. "The most important was the reason for the general chickenpox recommendation that every year 750 000 cases of illness can be avoided, "he said. "Every child will benefit individually from the chicken pox vaccine because it does not become ill."

Like Schmitt tried the Viennese Impfexperte Wolfgang Maurer, the familiar argument that avoided any disease is in itself a gain. "The complication rate for chicken pox is 1 to 4,000," said Maurer. "It's unfair if you do not save the children unnecessary suffering."

the Munich-based epidemiologist and expert Rüdiger von Kries STIKO (photo), was equal to my questions frankly admits that the combination preparation of GSK one of the reasons for the STIKO recommendation was.?
"I was long skeptical of the chickenpox vaccine vaccination must be really against varicella, the varicella vaccine makes it easier in the first place the lives - serious .... morbidity and mortality are rare One must be careful to achieve high immunization rates to provide sufficient herd immunity to achieve this is only possible if there is a combination vaccine that is now on the market and now can say: why not ? - chickenpox do not make fun and sometimes even life-threatening complications that point to be vaccinated twice, so maybe that's life... one will sometimes have to be vaccinated three times. Nothing is for nothing. "

It is worth closer to see where the experts cited by the high risks of chickenpox suddenly come forth. Earlier, the STIKO yes more than ten years, saw no reason to follow the U.S. example. The decisive was therefore a new study who came to the conclusion that occur each year in Germany around 5,700 serious complications, including about 22 deaths as a result of chickenpox. These figures are far above what was previously known about the dangers of chickenpox .
But how did the study? For this was a telephone survey conducted among physicians. 3,500 called doctors said, 300 ready to talk. They were asked to register any of its filter out patients who suffered from chicken pox. "Well, hardly has a doctor on a computer system where it can filter out by simple random any patient who was suffering from chickenpox," said medical journalist Michael Houben in a WDR report the fundamental flaw of this approach. "The doctors are in such a normally the case in front of a large file and try to remember which patient was being treated for chicken pox. Logically, that remain especially severe cases especially in the memory. "Their complication rate was by statisticians then extrapolated to the population. A methodology that is based on the criteria of evidence-based medicine on a totally frivolous.
is telling to look at the study's authors. Among them are employees of the Basel company Outcomes International, indicates on his website following as the "mission" of the Company:
"We support our customers in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device industry in the commercialization and marketing of their products."
Thus should the client and the financier of the study have been so pleased. It was the company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), shortly after the publication of the study with Priorix-Tetra Germany as the world exclusive premiere of a combined vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox brought to market.

But the mission of the chickenpox vaccine is not yet over. For there is still resistance nests that hold the old tried and tested over decades vaccination scheme: namely, only those children and young people aged from nine years to be vaccinated who have not previously been through the disease naturally. Such a pocket of resistance in Europe such as Switzerland.
But here are the professionals of "Outcomes International on behalf of GSK active again: For instance with a current calculation that the introduction bring the general varicella vaccination course for the Swiss health system would spare them, "... even if they turn out not seen since the recommendations for a schedule of two doses for primary immunization as impressive.
How little has changed in the behavior code of "independent" Impfexperten concerning their financial relationships with industry shows a view of the authors of this study: Of course, once again the STIKO is in the boat. Namely in the person of vice-chairman Ulrich Heininger, who had no qualms with the employees of the pharmaceutical services company to act as study author.

Conclusion: It is high time that the immunization be applied to basic principles of scientific work. It can no longer be left to a conspiratorial lobby of Impfexperten to adopt vaccination campaigns for almost an entire population of the wrist. Without systematic review of available evidence, without HTA, without well-organized and financially independent monitoring of the results.
As it currently looks, the general varicella vaccination and must be a gross mistake as soon as possible be taken back!
Otherwise we run the risk that changes the current appearance of the chickenpox as a largely harmless childhood disease drastically, and results in a severe - is life-threatening illness - - for some age groups, and benefit only those of them who sell vaccines or helping with their expertise here.

Photo Credits: Süddeutsche Zeitung (HJ Schmitt), bright- (F. Zepp), (Rv Kries)

Monday, December 6, 2010

What's The Best Cruise Line

Should I vaccinate my child against chickenpox? Part 2

In the first part my article, I myself with the importance of chickenpox for the development of the child's immune system, the weaker Nest protection of babies vaccinated mothers, the rising incidence of chickenpox infection during pregnancy, and the uncertain long-term protection of the chickenpox vaccine is concerned. Here I dedicate myself now a phenomenon, to the thought of the introduction of vaccination in general no one has: namely, that adults benefit from contact with virus-wielding children - and more easily diagnosed without this contact at the dangerous shingles.

chickenpox act sick children to adults as a booster vaccination. (Photo: Ehgartner)

Argument 4: The chicken pox vaccination increases the risk shingles for serious diseases

chickenpox are caused by the varicella-zoster virus from the herpes family of viruses. When the chickenpox survived remain the viruses are a lifetime in the body. They hide on the nerves lie dormant in the nerve ganglia and spinal cord and the cranial nerves. (They have way with the herpes simplex virus, another representative of this family in common. If these herpes viruses wake up from its semi in the nerve ganglia and active will notice we, for example, from fever blisters on the lips.)
chickenpox viruses usually have a quite persistent sleep and be at Most human life never becomes active. If yet, the result is much more serious than the annoying, but otherwise not dangerous cold sores: namely, those affected will suffer from shingles (herpes zoster). Symptoms include burning and some pain in that area of skin that is supplied by the affected nerve cord. Finally, forming bubbles that are filled with infectious fluid. Now, shingles contagious patients and the sick grandpa could, for example, infect the grandchild. But not with shingles themselves, but with chicken pox. Shingles itself is not transferable.

This peculiarity of the chickenpox virus is, incidentally, the reason why it is here - in contrast to the measles virus - is completely impossible to eradicate this virus anywhere. For even in vaccinated put the live virus used in this case firmly in the nerves.
Whether the attenuated virus from the vaccination later trigger a weaker form of shingles, is a question that is currently difficult to answer. There are still no studies, because these effects are very long term, the children are vaccinated early and shingles occurs predominantly in the elderly.

that in any case can also suffer from shingles have been vaccinated, but it is known already. A team of Columbia University observed people who were among the first chickenpox vaccinees in the U.S., over a period of ten to 26 years for the occurrence of shingles. In fact, the risk of disease so far proved to be equal than in the general population who have gone through the normal chickenpox.

shingles ( Photo: Wikimedia Commons / FISL) often occurs in the middle of the body, just along the belt on, but can also infect many other regions. When facial nerves are affected, it can at this difficult disease to be treated to a paralysis of Muscles or damage to the vision come. Life-threatening shingles is when the entire nervous system is detected by the resurgence of the virus. This special form occurs only in severely immunocompromised people. Contrast, are relatively common nerve damage - so-called post-herpetic neuralgia - which are persisting after recovery and healed shingles. The associated pain can last a lifetime and be so heavy that they ruin the quality of life of those affected and drive some of them even to suicide. When chickenpox occurs

now the interesting phenomenon that the contact with sick children, the "sleeping" Viruses of the adults in check and protects it against shingles. A British study could actually measure this relationship. The scientists collected from medical centers in London, 244 cases of shingles and then searched for each found patients with two control subjects without shingles, but the same age and same gender. As a result, now all study participants were asked exactly how much use they had for the last ten years with children with chickenpox and especially sick children. In the analysis showed that occasional contact with fresh virus reduced the risk of shingles in adults, one fifth. The authors warn that because in the final paragraph of their work and the consequences that could have a prevention of chickenpox for the adults: "If the disease is reduced in children through the introduction of a chickenpox vaccine, it could lead to an increase in shingles cases among adults . could turn

How much of this increase is shown by the study a team from the "Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre in London. First, they investigated whether the risk of shingles makes a difference if the same age adults living in the household with children. It was found that the mediated via the children Contact with chicken pox virus, the incidence of shingles by 25 percent significantly reduced. This value, the British now as a basis for mathematical modeling. And the result was supposed to be sound any alarm bells. The London researchers, writing saying:
The mass vaccination against chickenpox will cause a major epidemic of herpes zoster (shingles). More than 50 percent of those people who were at the time of the introduction of vaccination ten to 44 years old will be affected by the disease.

Half of the population shingles sick? That would be a real nightmare scenario. But the observations in the U.S. already show that the UK calculation could well apply.
in the U.S. are vaccinated the children since the mid-90s against chickenpox. And because there the rule "no vaccination - no school (" no vaccination no school ") applies, the coverage among children is over 80 percent.
scientists from Harvard University in Boston studied now the course of the two diseases in the recent past. This showed a disturbing trend that could worsen in the coming years. While the chicken pox in the period 1998-2003 ie from 16.5 annual cases per 1,000 persons 3.5 Cases declined, doubled the frequency of shingles and almost went during the five years from 2.8 cases to 5.3 cases. This is now available in the United States already significantly more cases of shingles than chickenpox. Most affected people are over 65 years. The highest rate was found, surprisingly, among younger adults in the age group of 25 to 44 years. This increased the risk of developing shingles, a whopping 161 percent.

We dramatically increase this effect, occupies one recent study by a team from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. It showed that from the general introduction of the chickenpox vaccine takes five years until the first boost in shingles took hold. But since then it goes up rapidly. In parallel, the increased costs for the treatment of shingles. In 2004 they were up 700 million U.S. dollars over the previous effort.
This is all the more remarkable as was the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine originally founded not so much with the health hazards associated with chicken pox, but especially with the savings to the economy. When ill no longer the children, parents need to take fewer days of care and make the vaccine alone, this effect already profitable, it said in the economic calculations.
Unfortunately, forget the costs, which now causes the increase in shingles. And that sounds like the résumé of the study authors from Michigan because even in this respect quite sobering.
"The chickenpox vaccine has meant that the cost for the treatment of chickenpox in 1993 declined significantly by 2004 this saving was less than the simultaneous increase in the cost of treatment for shingles. "

The vaccine manufacturers responded quickly and took recently, a shingles vaccine on the market. It mimics the contact with chickenpox ill children and contains - due to the weaker immune system of elderly people - The chickenpox virus in 14-fold higher dose than in the children's vaccination. This pharmaceutical protection against shingles will cost around 200 € and is approved in Europe since 2006. Because of the enormous costs that caused the shingles to the health systems, there are now already studies that confirm the economic benefits of a state-paid herpes zoster vaccination for all persons over the age of 65. Especially, of course, in those countries, where it was previously fought with the general varicella vaccination chickenpox in children.
Overall, the phenomenon of chickenpox is a good example, as from a once harmless childhood disease - if they from the pharmaceutical industry and their accomplices will be properly taken under the wing - a highly profitable health problem for society can be created.

Conclusion: The introduction of chickenpox vaccine in the U.S. has led to an increased incidence of shingles, a condition that is difficult to treat and can cause intense pain. The cost for the treatment of shingles have increased so that so that all savings in the treatment of chickenpox are nullified.

Read here by Part 3 .

Friday, December 3, 2010

Waldorf Salad From Marzettis'

vote for Readers' Choice - the best books in 2010

Still have a special category I will give the reader price by Lovely-books make it onto the shortlist for the "Best Book Title". I think that's enough too, because if we are honest, we must remember, but most works best only in how they were called. To me it is no different. I know still, that I was Céline's Voyage au bout de la nuit "cut down to read literally, but the content can reconstruct only very vague. It is even worse with "American Pastoral" by Philip Roth, my other favorite book. Anyone who wants to avoid, then, that "I drink ouzo and what you drink that?" with the victory, which can be up to 10 December here to vote for me.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ver Foto De Hannah Montana

Should I vaccinate my child against chickenpox? Part 1

In 2004 recommended the German Vaccination Commission STIKO complete surprise and was the first country in Europe, the general chickenpox (varicella) vaccination of children - along the lines of the United States -. from the age of eleven months
Austria, followed suit recently. The vaccination schedule for first time in 2010 and the early chickenpox vaccination of all children registered -. And that already from the age of nine months, but in any case "before the entry into community facilities"
In Switzerland, however, as to before the old recommendation, only those young people and adults be vaccinated, which is not the chickenpox naturally Paths have been through. pursue
The pressure, the German-American way in the fight against chickenpox is increasing across the EU. Meanwhile, just two singles and a combination vaccine against chickenpox in the market. The warnings from the experts, the children as early as possible to vaccinate against the most harmless infectious disease to be more urgent. The reason given above, that in rare cases it can cause complications can be reduced with vaccination days of care for working parents, and generally avoided using every disease of the health of children. Many parents, however, many doctors feel, lack the necessary information and do not know what recommendations they should now follow: Why - and what with the chicken pox vaccine?
I have dealt extensively with this topic and would like to make my arguments for discussion

argument 1. The Chickenpox is a training camp for the maturing immune system

Our immune system consists of two parts: the innate and the acquired. While the innate ready-made is available and especially during the first months of life is vital, growing importance of the acquired the skills learned over time. In addition to our consciousness the Immune system is our second learning self. As individual, the experience of a person as a special neural networks manifest in the brain, they do so at the level of our immune system.
During the birth, the immune system begins with his work and hear it - if we're lucky - a life no longer. The main learning effects occur more naturally in the early years of a child if the impressions are fresh and the immune system all common viruses and bacteria get to know the area.

the course of infection, the immune system gradually acquires his powers. This includes the interaction of immune and nervous systems, such as in the regulation by fever, discharge and parking of inflammation, the molecular distinction between foreign and native proteins, the assessment of a foreign protein as dangerous or hazardous and many other such skills, the complex processes that science is just beginning to understand the approach.
When the immune system can develop undisturbed, we gain a competent companion for life, which protects up to old age against infectious diseases. A second, probably even more important role has the immune system when it runs up to sleep during our best. It subjects the organism to a regular service, for the sick and cancerous, proliferating cells are detected and stopped.
The immune system is not only a guardian angel of the people, it can also turn against the organism and become unpredictable apparatus that makes life a living hell, if it holds such harmless pollen for dangerous invaders and inflammation severe asthma exacerbations or if it triggers the body's own proteins does not detect attacks its own intestines or nerve cells and causes severe permanent damage. If not succeed in the learning process and the maturation of the immune system, threatening chronic allergies and autoimmune diseases.

chickenpox is now one of the typical viral diseases break out in virtually all children and give the immune system, a training camp. Some doctors argue that each disease is avoided in principle already a gain for the people. Others stress that it takes the usually harmless childhood illnesses occurring to ensure the maturation of the immune system - and this seems much more likely.
Extreme provides evidence for this animal experiment: If the animals thrive growing up in a germ-free environment, they indeed magnificent - but then if they still so a harmless virus to be exposed, these animals are killed on the spot. This argues against the hypothesis that avoided any illness a profit.
The chickenpox vaccine contains live but weakened varicella virus, which - not absorbed through the mucous membranes from the air, "but by the vaccinating physician injected under the skin - in contrast to the wild virus. The tolerability of the vaccine is described as good, fever is rare, the reaction of the immune system goes largely unnoticed. How is the learning effect of the real virus from that of the attenuated vaccine virus is different and what role chickenpox in detail for the maturation of the immune system play is unknown. Is not clear, furthermore, whether these learning processes differ from those in the immune system such as contact do with cold viruses. No one knows how many minor infection to the development of a mature immune system is necessary. Currently, our knowledge is similar to the highly complex processes by which the immune system works, just the tip of an iceberg just emerged.

Nevertheless, modern medicine attempts - quite a good intention - the immune system of all possible levers to manipulate and influence in a desired direction. sabotage - Some
with fever-reducing drugs that the intention of the immune system - namely, to produce fever and thus to optimize their working conditions.
with inflammation or inhibiting drugs such as cortisol, a stress hormone that is part of the main opponent of the immune system.
Direct effects also have antibiotics that can cause the intestine, the largest organ of the immune system, under the helpful bacteria a devastating clear-cutting.
addition to include the many modern medicines for rheumatism, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and other autoimmune diseases, which today form the "blockbuster" among the top-selling drugs and drive up health insurance companies in the financial abyss.
And finally, including vaccinations, where the immune system - to be conveyed by the experiences made disease - again the best of intentions - without these diseases actually do by themselves.
( Anyone interested in more detail for the development of a healthy immune system is, to my book " praise of the disease - Why it's healthy, now and then too ill to be " It was made in 2010 reissued as a paperback published by Lübbe. . )

parallel to these in recent decades have become more frequent interventions in the immune system, the number of permanent impairment of the immune system has increased dramatically: More than a hundred autoimmune diseases are now known, many have already the rank of common diseases. Then there are the various allergies, from those in developed countries, nearly a third of the population is affected.
But however easy it is medicine to influence a healthy immune system in its functions from the outside, so hopeless is their knowledge, if it is a disturbed and normalize immune thrown off track again.
that it might be a connection between the manipulation of the immune system and its problems is either denied or severely silently ignored.

Conclusion: The chickenpox vaccine offers for the maturation of the immune system compared to the naturally occurring disease, a probably much lower learning curve. Moreover, it is at the chickenpox vaccine, for a further manipulation of the immune system. The effect of these two effects are unknown and insufficiently researched.

Argument 2: Vaccinated mothers give their babies less nest protection

As a jump start for the birth or immature immune system to give the mothers to their babies a supply of protective antibodies - the so-called nest protection - with.
These antibodies mediate protection against those viruses and bacteria with which the immune system of the mother over the years and made the acquaintance of which an immune memory in the form of cells and has created antibodies. This nest protection, the first weeks and months to bridge after birth, in which the newborn is particularly vulnerable to health.

chickenpox be vaccinated later on their own children less' nest protection in the form of protective antibodies, because the weaker immune response after vaccination than after failure made by disease. While chicken pox, which occurs in the normal age (approximately between two and six years), usually completely harmless runs, which is in infancy, and in youth and adulthood is not the case. The complication rate for chicken pox runs in a U-curve: at the beginning of life and in later life is the organism with these viruses clearly bad.

This problem also applies to other viral diseases such as measles. Because here is vaccinated for many years, the effects are already better understood.
In a methodologically very good work that was published in May 2010 in the British Medical Journal showed Elke Leuridan and colleagues from the University of Antwerp as the effect is enormous. They studied a group of 207 pregnant women, of whom about half were vaccinated and received the other half of their immunity to measles disease. In
Was compared in the vaccinated women, the antibody concentration that was given to the babies on the lower three and a half times. After only a month ago was their "nest protection" used up. The babies whose mothers had not undergone measles were, however, for almost four months fully protected against measles.
The phenomenon observed here is one reason why many of vaccination parents today let their children vaccinated against measles because measles-wave would mean for the newborn infants of vaccinated mothers an enormous danger only to prevent a measles epidemic. protect these babies - especially since it is not possible, at this early Age to vaccinate themselves. About
general measles vaccination thus a penalty incurred, which is now all the people in the duty to vaccinate their children as well. Otherwise, it would help to re-occur new measles waves and then there is for babies vaccinated mothers danger.

Upon the chicken pox we still at the beginning of this development. But the way is now but prescribed by the recommendation of the STIKO in Germany and the followers in other countries already: Within a few years this results in a similar, perhaps even worse as in measles dynamics. For while chickenpox mainly in the age group most of the previously extend harmless, the radical changes if they occur suddenly increased in newborns, adults and pregnant women. Here, chickenpox serious danger to life.

Conclusion: If his children be vaccinated against chickenpox, risks that later noticed that their grandchildren less nest protection from their vaccinated mothers and ill these babies in the particularly delicate phase following the birth of a life-threatening infection can.

Argument 3: The vaccination is unreliable, the age of onset increases dramatically.

The higher the proportion of vaccinated children, the less the chicken pox wave through the country. The result is that the disease occurs later on average.
Very well, this can be seen in the U.S., where since the mid-90s, the general recommendation for vaccination from the first year of life. As in Europe, was also in the U.S. compared to much of the first population and the physicians of the chickenpox vaccine skeptical. Finally, however, a state possessed by one the vaccination, according to the known slogan "no vaccination - no school." Those who could not make any philosophical or religious objections submitted or from whom this procedure was too complicated, had So the children get vaccinated because they are not otherwise allowed in the school. About this constraint was able to raise the vaccination rate of 27 percent in 1997 to 88 percent in 2005.
same time - see the reports of the health authorities - the average age of onset has five years to eleven years more than doubled. If this trend continues, it will become a regular cases of chickenpox occur in pregnancy. Here the virus - similar to German measles - can cause serious damage to the unborn, what is important to stillbirths or babies are born with disabilities.

This triggered the vaccination campaign Risk is also aware of the authorities. Studies show that was introduced at the time when the mass vaccination, about 95.5 percent of the 20-year and 98.9 percent of the 30-year and 99.6 percent of those 40 were immune to chickenpox (Source: NHANES III "Varicella in Americans' JMedVirol 2003;. 70:111-118). But to preserve rather than the high protection rates by not just vaccinated and thereby virtually all children all the way to puberty, the chickenpox (varicella) by and are therefore protected, must the women now - eg Austrian vaccination schedule from 2010 - before pregnancy a two-time vaccine safety and even a serological investigation (examination of the be antibody titer in the blood is recommended): represent
Since varicella in adults, a serious disease and presenting with disease in pregnancy significant complications, is recommended for all unvaccinated 9-17 year olds not Varizellenanamnese (or with negative serology), the vaccination (2 doses at a minimum interval of 6 weeks) injection.
In rare cases, can cause varicella-zoster virus infection within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy to malformations in the fetus.

The balance sheet of the U.S. vaccination campaign is so ambiguous. It ill now though significantly fewer children for chickenpox, those who caught it yet, but they are much older and have a higher risk of complications. And there are not so few, the disease despite vaccination. Even schools, where nearly 100 percent of the students were vaccinated, were covered by chicken pox epidemics. It was found that the originally assumed to be very high efficacy of vaccination within a few years greatly abated. The U.S. authorities had the protection rate of vaccination revise down and gave the efficiency now at 44 to 86 percent.
The Munich epidemiologist Rüdiger von Kries and his team analyzed all chickenpox outbreaks of the last decade, and came into this meta-analysis to an average protection rate of 72.5 percent. While a rich neighborhood of vaccinated children by vaccination thus receives no protection, it is currently also the rest could not be anticipated, as long as they at stops of the immunity, so as the "booster effect" of increasingly wild virus remains: This is the refreshing of the immunity meant to be stopped sooner regularly in contact with chickenpox-ill children.

Currently, two separate vaccines ( Varilrix of GlaxoSmithKline GSK, and Varivax by Sanofi Pasteur MSD) and a combination vaccine on the market ( Priorix-Tetra, GSK). There are many indications that the single vaccines have a slightly higher efficiency and protection with the combination vaccine still leaves something to quickly. Nevertheless, today in Germany mostly used the combination vaccine - probably by the number of vaccinations the incriminating often degenerate into a Heulkonzert, as low as possible. Along with poor efficiency are apparent after the combined vaccination also more side effects. A recently in the journal Pediatrics published study found a doubled risk of febrile seizures in the period after the MMRV combination vaccine as a single dose of MMR plus varicella vaccine.

The German " Association of measles and varicella (AGMV) " operates a monitoring system that is attended by around 600 doctors who report monthly to their cases. The AGMV is a joint initiative of Berlin's Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the vaccine manufacturers. The scientific leadership lies with the Robert Koch Institute, with the implementation, however, the German Green Cross commissioned, often occurring as a lobbying and public relations agency, the vaccine industry.
It is now long practice that allows the authorities to pay their activities by the industry. This
invested it to you. She bought it with such partnerships - in addition to the goodwill of the authorities - including a first access to the data. The result is both an information advantage and the opportunity to interpret the data in the public to make communications with.

So far, the data show a significant drop in Germany for the chicken pox cases. In the period from 2006 to 2008 the vaccination rate rose from 38% for chicken pox to 53%. Nearly all the respondents know of the chickenpox vaccine . The most important influence factor for or against the vaccine has been interviewing the parents, according to the doctor's advice. In general, the parents followed the doctor recommendation. And the doctors to year are more willing. From 2006 to 2008 its consent to vaccination rose from 48% to 60%. However, this means that there are still 40% of the physicians of the chickenpox vaccine are skeptical or opposed.
at parents previously unvaccinated Children shows a contrary trend. Here, the proportion of those who declare that they do not vaccinate their children against chickenpox in the period from 34% to 40%.

disquietingly the authors of a Munich varicella-monitoring system the fact that the number of breakthrough disease increased greatly over the years of observation. So that those vaccinated are meant, then the disease still chickenpox. While the share in the first season (2006/07) was 2.7%, it increased in subsequent seasons to 5.2% and 2008/09 was 7.9%.
Where the trend is here to show the latest figures from October 2010. This month, reported the practices of AGMV Surveillance Systems total of 395 new cases of chickenpox. The proportion of subjects among the patients was now already at 30.6%. was

In the United States issued on the basis of similar experiences from 2006, the recommendation for an obligatory second chickenpox vaccine for primary immunization, a measure which follows pushed by industry-related German Impfexperten was and since 2009 in Germany and, now, in Austria in the vaccination schedule is. The health authorities hope that it now gives a better activity that can reasonably compete with that of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccination.
The German authors of the cited meta-analysis (including two members of the STIKO) show in this regard In her work, however, skeptical, and express concern that the rate of protection over time may ease again.

Conclusion: The protection of the chickenpox vaccine to be relatively rapid, ill about a quarter of subjects later anyway. Whether this effect can be stopped by the recently introduced second vaccination, is doubted by experts. U.S. experience shows, has doubled since the introduction of mass vaccination, the average age of onset. Now, more cases of chickenpox during pregnancy threaten that - as with rubella - the serious complications and fetal malformations may result.

reading at PART 2 of Article .

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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film today with discussion in Maria Anzbach

Today, Thursday from 19 clock is in Maria Anzbach (Burgstall 2) of the film "Vaccination - Play Ball Man" by Anita Schrittwieser and Elizabeth Blum shown. I have been interviewed as a medical journalist for the film and will then be available for a discussion.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lost Slave Bet To Wife

comeback Sonnenkur

Who is watching the venerable sanatoriums in the "health resorts of Austria or Switzerland, it's the sting, especially the generous Sun terraces in the eye. Here, the patient should spend a few hours to a day with good air and the soothing rays of the sun to achieve recovery. "The sunlight leads pure positive spirits from the cosmic ether with it," it says about a "Guide to Sonnenkur" 19th Century. Resorts like Davos, or the famous sanatoriums in Semmering campaigned with its many "sunny days", which the guests also allowed more sun exposure, when the valleys were long lost in the fall and winter fog.

Since that time the reputation of the sun gotten some scratches. Given the high rate of skin cancer, the Australian lasted for several years, a veritable avalanche of shock by the news media. Sun was a synonym for melanoma - the most malignant form of melanoma. And, at some beaches had the impression that the designers of the latest swimwear were all devout Taliban. Those who still wanted to expose his skin to the sun steeling themselves - guided by the media hysteria - with a sun protection factor of 25 upwards.

is now the campaign has abated somewhat. Studies appear to find no difference between skin cancer risk traditionally veiled Muslim women and those who do not find it in a bikini to go to the beach. Moreover, in skin cancer, as well As with most other cancers a clear north-south divide. Similarly, in osteoporosis, rickets, and in many diseases of the soul. Our problem seems, then, rather the lack of sun.

experienced a comeback slowly the insight that the star, to whom we owe all life on earth, but can not be that bad. materialize on new scientific evidence is now also the "spirits" that are contained in the sunlight. This is mainly to vitamin D, which is formed on the influence of UV radiation in the outer layers of the skin and in the metabolism can be exploited much more effectively than through food or vitamin pills. More and more doctors recommend why do whenever the opportunity presents itself to soak up the sun - especially in autumn and winter. And this advice applies especially - as in ancient times the sun cures - for sick and frail. The widespread adoption of sun terraces in nursing homes - and the zealous use of the same would be therefore a logical step, and above all healing.

This comment appeared in the October issue of the journal LebensWeGe.

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The streptococcal cosmos

one hand, harmless and ubiquitous bacteria, other dangerous pathogens, the institutions suddenly attacked and one million children annually . Kill A current GEN-AU project deals with the mysterious interaction between streptococci and immune defense. The aim is affordable vaccines with as universal effect.

When Bill Gates in mid-July at the International AIDS Conference in Vienna, he also went to the Campus Vienna Biocenter in the third district and paid the company Intercell a visit. For here grows the most promising vaccine projects for developing countries, which supports the Microsoft founder vigorously with his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. "It is a universal pneumococcal vaccine," says Eszter Nagy, the head of the research department at Intercell. "In contrast to the products currently on the market to our vaccine against all serotypes contribute equally and at substantially lower cost."
streptococci and pneumococci are one of the show the "dark side" of these normally harmless bacteria. Pneumococcal infections cause approximately one million deaths annually in children, more than 90 percent of them in developing countries. About the organization PATH, the Gates Foundation funded 60 percent of development costs, both in preclinical research as well as completed a few months, "Phase 1 study. This is the first time the safety and tolerability of the new vaccine tested on humans, and that in thirty healthy men. The data are not yet published. According to Nagy, the results were very encouraging. ". The vaccine proved so far to be safe and immunogenic" Now is already the roadmap for how to proceed - debate on the organization of large pivotal trials in Africa to market. To the finished product, it is still a long way.

to know-how, which brought the established ten years ago Intercell in this project and continuously brings in, with, within the scope of GEN-AU supported by strong experimental research project, the exploring the mechanisms and modulation of the immune system when exposed to various types of streptococci as its goals. With funding almost 250,000 € program started two years ago and runs until early 2012. Key partners of Intercell are two other institutions on campus that are part of the Max F. Perutz Laboratories, and the team of Beatrix Grubeck-Löwenstein by the Institute for Biomedical Aging Research in Innsbruck. So far, already several interesting publications resulting from the collaboration.
Nagy sees the promotion of basic research as the basis for many other programs, which are subsequently formed from the generated data. Above all, should be tried, the many details the cellular immune response when exposed to the pneumococcal antigens in the vaccine to explain. The
Intercell vaccine differs from the conventional products in several ways. The vaccines currently on the market protect against 10 or 13 of the 90 pneumococcal serotypes. Because the bacteria but always seek to escape the immune system, they variierien the code of their virulence factors. Once there is an immune response, the bacterium is able to change the sequence of this antigen and they can leave in the wake of the immune system. From the pressure of vaccination on the immune system develops in here Replacement effect that favors those bacteria that change their code. And this is already happening. In fact, already new vaccines against serotypes 15 and more in development. "It would be far too complex to couple more than 20 antigens to proteins," said Nagy. "There This approach is therefore a certain technological limits."

A vaccine against all pneumococcal

With an in-house developed genomic technology to identify suitable vaccine antigens she scanned with her team, so all 2000 proteins of the pneumococcal their suitability as a target for the vaccine. This was first serum collected from patients recovering from pneumococcal disease. "We the antibodies from the serum isolated and saw that antigens of the pneumococcal immune system that controls during the illness, "said Nagy. Following this example, the antigens were selected for the vaccine. In the end, there remained three.
These three proteins play an important role in the multiplication of bacteria. They are needed for the cell wall of bacteria during the division rebuild. "We have a completely new type of vaccine antigens found," said Nagy. This one was no longer as reliant as in the conventional pneumococcal vaccine on the virulence factors. "So we have a target selected, the very stable and at the same time in the life cycle of the bacteria plays a key role. "This provides a theoretical efficacy against all pneumococcal serotypes and hence an ideal suitability for developing countries, where very different serotypes prevalent than in Europe or the USA.

novel mode amplifier "IC 31"

is essential for the effectiveness of the adjuvant used in vaccines is always an active amplifier boosts the immune response to antigens. Here, too, Intercell is building with the new fully synthetic adjuvant IC-31 new to a technology that over the previously used mainly aluminum-containing adjuvants clear advantages added. While pushing these auxiliaries used in decades rather the formation of antibodies, IC-31 induces primarily a cellular immunity. "We know from clinical research, especially that associated with pneumococcal disease in these T-cell response in the form of Th17 cells is of paramount importance," says Nagy. "The Adjuvant IC-31 triggers in fact made such a strong immune response that it might even be possible to eliminate an infestation of pneumococci and to make the colonization reversed." In comparison, the functioning of the antibody response significantly more slowly because it takes several days for production here in the swing comes. In a violent situation such as infection in some African countries, but which could be a matter of life or death.

Whether the vaccine can even be used therapeutically, is currently, according to Nagy still uncertain. "We will see if it is possible to eliminate the bacteria, when the children are already colonized." Of these, it also depends on whether it would be theoretically possible to sterilize the body completely and permanently repel pneumococci. "But it may be that it's not desirable," says Nagy, "because they already belong to the child's flora." One possibility would be to reduce the bacteria count, and to maintain a lower level. ". Then would the likelihood that they swarm out and make as ear infections, pneumonia or meningitis reduced,"

antibiotics make pneumococcal aggressive

the principle question remains in all these diseases, why these bacteria swarm at all, and suddenly seized institutions or go into the blood?
are given there is still no definite answers but at least some theories, said Nagy. This suggests that the bacterial load, a role that would collect a human. The more bacteria, the more difficult it is for the immune system to control it. If in addition a viral coinfection occurs, as is very common especially in children, the bacteria can more easily penetrate normally sterile tissue.
"Finally," said Nagy, "there are certain lines that are more virulent than others." This also carry antibiotics for her part. Increase the virulence factor of bacteria and they are aggressive in the sequence. One can, warns Nagy, pneumococcal So wake up even a really well-intentioned therapy and exercise peaceful colonists to malignant disease-causing agents. The ridge is narrow.
And this phenomenon, it also applies to future vaccines to be observed. So dangerous rage, the bacteria can so devastating can be the counter-attack the immune system. From the great influenza pandemic in the winter of 1918-19 war, we know that most of the deaths were not caused by the virus and subsequent bacterial infections, but from an atypical violent reaction of the immune system. Vaccination may therefore not raise the spirits. "So far we saw only very mild curves," said Nagy is optimistic.

This article appeared in the latest issue of the journal genosphären . See also the related interview with Eszter Nagy.

Monday, November 1, 2010

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"vaccinology is not a Penny"

Actually, streptococci normal roommate in humans: round, gram-positive bacteria, which measure about one-thousandth of a millimeter and preferably arrange themselves in chains. For example, in the oral cavity, the mucous membranes of the throat or in the flora of the intestine. As long as the streptococci remain in place, they are useful members of society bacteria. Medically they are used as a precaution against periodontal disease or as a cultural reconstruction of the intestinal flora after antibiotic or fungal treatment. Evil, the consequences are, however, if streptococci and organs begin to move affected. Notorious about 90 serotypes is counting subgroup S. pneumoniae. This "pneumococcal" are among the most important pathogens of man. They cause including pneumonia (lung infection), otitis media (middle ear infection) and meningitis (meningitis). Already more than 60 years, a polysaccharide vaccine was introduced to the market that is still recommended for older people. It consists of the unmodified sugar molecules in the capsule and is directed against 23 pneumococcal types. He should cover 90 percent of the cases. In children who still had any contacts with pneumococci, the 23-valent vaccine is not effective and otherwise he is not exactly a highlight. Only last year he certified a meta analysis of existing literature, conducted by researchers at the University of Bern was "no protection against pneumonia" and "no proven survival benefit for the vaccine.
is clearly better the balance of a 2000 in the U.S. (and 2001 in the EU), approved 7-valent conjugate vaccine was recommended for infants aged two months and adults aged 60 years and today in most countries the obligatory vaccination among children. This vaccine effectiveness has been enhanced by the polysaccharides of the bacterial capsule to a detoxified variant of diphtheria have been conjugated protein. This has allowed the trigger now also Steptokokken-naive babies an immune response. Shortly after the introduction vaccination in the United States showed a reduction of invasive pneumococcal disease in children by two thirds.
This effect has, in recent years, however, slowed down considerably because diseases have not increased in the vaccine serotypes. This so-called "replacement effect" to try to meet the vaccine manufacturer now to be that they have new products on the market claimed that the offer is now about ten, and thirteen serotypes protection. For wide vaccination campaigns in developing countries where pneumococcal among the most common causes of death in children, these vaccines with sale prices beyond $ 200 are much too expensive. In addition, there are different rampant serotypes significantly from the distribution in developed countries.
Viennese company Intercell, which - according to the company slogan is specialized in the development of "smart vaccines", now has a vaccine in development, to act against all pneumococcal strains.
I spoke to Intercell's Chief Scientific Eszter Nagy. There

In pneumococcal vaccines on the market there are already some that have just been reissued again in this remake. What was set as a research director of Intercell the reason to also in this indication?

Nagy died of pneumococcal infections in developing countries every sixth child. This disease has a degree - similar to malaria. The current vaccines only protect against a small proportion of these bacteria. We have developed a technology by which we have chosen other targets in bacteria. Antigens from bacteria could not be changed, because for the life cycle of the pneumococcus is absolutely necessary. Therefore, our Impfstofff - protect against all 90 pneumococcal types - from its active principle.

you will know whether he actually does as well?

Nagy: So far, we have the results of the first study phase. was found in tests on 32 healthy adults, our Vaccine so far to be safe and immunogenic. Now, the larger pivotal studies will be organized in Africa, which is specifically tested the efficacy in children.

The vaccines available in Europe are incredibly expensive. The market leader, Prevenar 13 comes' for primary immunization at a price of more than 300 €.

Nagy: We are currently making in the field of Vaccinologie through just one revolution. This was once a penny-market, where a vaccine has cost 50 cents. Are continually being unconventional products on the market, especially the high-priced vaccine against human papillomavirus, the triggers of cervical cancer. Prevenar is as successful and enormously expensive.

If vaccination is not used primarily in developing countries where the diseases are more serious?

Nagy: Yes, but they need a much cheaper alternative, otherwise the developing countries do not use at all. The vaccine we are developing will be cheaper. This does not mean that we will sell it in the industrialized countries by 50 cents. Production costs were substantially lower than those of other vaccines.

What about because of your schedule?

Nagy: This depends a lot from our partners, such as the international nonprofit organization PATH, the by the Bill Gates Foundation is funded from. It must be organized in Africa to study the efficacy at a high disease probability measure. Once we have the security of data, we can say closer.

Some other streptococci can cause disease. Here are the use of vaccines in the works?

Nagy: Yes, we have a project with Streptococcus pyogenes, which can cause human scarlet fever and tonsillitis. Tonsillitis are a lethal disease, but the cause for 70 percent of antibiotic prescriptions in children, which consequently leads to resistance again. Another project streptococci refers to S. agalactiae, which can cause sepsis in newborns, especially in preterm infants. We want to develop a passive immunotherapy, where we give premature babies monoclonal antibodies, preventative.

That sounds like products with good market opportunities. Why do we need public research funds, as in the framework of the GEN-AU project?

Nagy: The Gen-AU project was very experimental when we started two years ago. We also had no partner on board. This promotion project helped to explain the cellular immune response to pneumococcal antigens in the vaccine, and has generated numerous data, which are now to other programs can be applied.

you are in 1999 followed an invitation of the founder, Alexander von Gabain, Intercell and moved from the U.S. to Vienna. Do you miss the U.S. sometimes?

Nagy: No, not at all. I was with my family always live in Europe. We also have a very Intercell international flair, the job is really exciting. I really like to live in Vienna, the very cosmopolitan atmosphere love it here. And last but not least, I am pleased, of course, that my country, Hungary is so close.

the work in the vaccine industry, an academic career have preferred. Happened by chance or the planned?

Nagy: It was really rather random. But I benefit greatly from my medical and scientific training. The advantages of working for a private company, are in the chance to make new scientific discoveries very quickly in practice. It is very motivating for me, if I can contribute to the development of new medical devices to improve personal health.

Eszter Nagy, MD, PhD, completed her studies in medicine and molecular biology at the founders of the University Pecs and spent five years at various universities in the United States. Intercell they arrived in 1999 at the invitation of the founder of Intercell Alexander von Gabain. Since 2005 she leads the entire field of research and currently about 45 scientists. Eszter Nagy lives with her family in Vienna. Her son, Bence, 18, begins just his medical studies, daughter Fanny, 15, attended the Academic Gymnasium. Tamas Henics husband is also physicians and scientists, and moved in June from the Max Perutz Laboratories in Vienna to Hungarian biotech companies in the border region with Austria.

This interview appeared under the "Project Series" on the website of "GEN-AU" - Genome research in Austria.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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vaccine safety: sufficient animal testing! The

In about two thirds of the currently used vaccines for babies, Young people and adults are active amplifier (adjuvants). They are (for example, the last in Europe offered swine flu vaccines), especially aluminum, in rarer cases, squalene compounds. A number of novel adjuvants is currently in the various test stages.

The currently approved active amplifier cause inflammation at the injection site, thus providing an alert of the immune system. Without these active booster vaccination, most would not work or much worse. Without active amplifiers would be the formation of antibodies, after which the effect of most vaccines is measured, or not less available.

We know from numerous studies, that very active amplifiers are mainly responsible for pain and swelling at the injection site and the cause for vaccinations frequent systemic reactions such as fever, etc..
caused by the mainly on the active amplifier triggered immune response in all subjects - in addition to the desired formation of antigen-specific cells of the immune system - even auto-aggressive T-or B-cells and antibodies that attach themselves to body's cells and use them as false "foreign "and" dangerous "mark and thus provide for the immunity-free as targets. One of the mechanisms responsible for this is " molecular mimicry "-.. this refers to mix-up processes at the molecular level
autoaggressive cells are usually identified by the self-protection mechanisms of the immune system and rendered harmless, if failed in susceptible people, this mechanism can, however, the formation of permanent autoimmune disorders lead. either immediately after inoculation or as a gradual process with a time delay.

aluminum compounds for more than 70 years used in vaccines. They are regarded as "Dirty Little Secret" of immunology, because the longest time was completely unknown, how do they work in practice. Only in the last ten years, we here explain some mechanisms can. Then you know as well, that the alert expires at the destruction of the immune system cells at the injection site, destroyed by these cells release uric acid as an internal alarm signal, which then call mass immune cells to the injection site. Those who want to learn more about the effects, I recommend the article "The immune biology of aluminum adjuvants: how do they really work " is published in March 2010 in the journal Trends in Immunology .
While on the one hand, at last begun to elucidate the biological mechanisms of the old aluminum adjuvants, the industry is already casting novel reinforced aluminum compounds on the market.

you first came into Gardasil and Cervarix, the two vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV) for girls from 12 years in the mass use. This new type of aluminum compounds are called the product Cervarix of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) " AS04 " (" adjuvant system 04 ") and the market leader Gardasil of Sanofi Pasteur MSD " AAHS ( "amorphous aluminum sulfate hydroxyphosphate").
AAHS is different - according to company own research report - both in structure and significantly, by the function of the previously used aluminum salts and was chosen specifically because of its considerably increased immunogenic properties for HPV vaccination.
still new and in its original composition is the AS04 active amplifier. GSK relies on the alarm potential of a fat content, which was recovered from the surface of Salmonella and combines it with aluminum hydroxide. In direct comparison with Gardasil showed that AS04 is actually an explosive combination and a be two to six times higher produced antibody titers in the vaccinees.

But we come now to the core issue: How
tested this novel mode amplifier?

I asked Hugues Bogaerts , Cervarix for the product manager of the Belgian Group for the GSK-safety trials for its novel adjuvant that has so far been used yet in any mass vaccine. His answer was: "My safety studies in humans are not provided with a new adjuvant. This is tested in large clinical trials like in the finished vaccine combination. "

How here 've repeatedly criticized was in the large studies (40,000 participants) on Gardasil and Cervarix but also in the control groups aluminum-containing active amplifiers used in Gardasil even completely the same as contained in the vaccine are.

means that the girls now - in Germany as a free performance of the health insurance - against all strains of HPV for the prevention of cervical Karznom later - will be vaccinated, treated with highly active biochemical substances that were previously only in the laboratory were tested on animals and their function and compatibility.
And not even these tests are publicly nachlesbar in the databases.

had in the product insert from the market leader Gardasil information be included that have occurred in 2.3 percent of study participants during the observation period of approximately two years, "new diseases, at the behest of the U.S. FDA in December 2008 that may indicate a systemic autoimmune disorder. "In Europe, this note is missing from the vaccine education.

I have in this matter both required to STIKO and the competent Paul-Ehrlich Institute turned and education, as the get recommendation or approval of these vaccines could. Despite the lack of safety studies, despite an alarming study results.
I have received no response. The heads of the Austrian regulatory authorities knew not even on my question about this that it is in at the the HPV vaccine effective amplifiers to novel aluminum compounds acted.

share probably they all have the idea that the Viennese Impfexperte Wolfgang Maurer to me recently represented publicly: meet (company-internal, often not publicly published) laboratory experiments and animal studies to vaccines en masse with novel mode amplifiers use in healthy girls and young women.

safety tests on humans? - No way!
That would probably be too risky for the company, because there could be yes - at risk a billion dollar business - over the investigation of the specific risk!

Impfexperten Our entire bureaucracy seems to make believe that this health risk but should better take the vaccine.

Monday, October 18, 2010

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Aluschlamm disaster

Last Thursday and Friday I was with a camera crew in Devecser and Kolontar, the two of the most Aluschlamm disaster affected communities.

Monday was The resultant report in the ORF-magazine "issue" and is available here in the TV Thek.

These are some photos I took in Hungary:

What seems like the idyllic image, pure, landfills, buried in the 70 years since those million tonnes of red mud and were covered with mud. In the background the "Alustadt" Ajka.

One of the most violent poisons in Aluschlamm is sodium hydroxide, needed to separate the red mud from the raw aluminum chemically. First, the earth is removed, then applied to neutralize the highly corrosive sodium hydroxide plaster on the floor.

children have completely disappeared from the cityscape, the schools closed, the playgrounds deserted. And the red mud is ideal for coloring of trees.

Christian and Johanna, my camera crew disguised.

The rendering is over - for that day.

cats love in times of disaster Aluschlamm.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Manual Update Cellebrite

lecture in Graz: "When doctors make you sick"

On Saturday morning I believe in public education home castle of St. Martin in Graz a presentation on my new book. Here
the poster with the details:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Wal-mart Motor Oil Cost

"Esowatch" Vs. "Dog watch"

yesterday, Eva Schmidt "Radio Lora reported again and asked what I" EsoWatch "think of. In response to my last conversation on health reform, namely a certain Maikel posted the link there to my " entry.

to the nonsense that is published there, I will not comment at all. Who is closer for the methods used by "EsoWatch" interested and somewhat to the sympathizers and backers or - want to know this women Verna of those network that finds on donkey watch or ; carefully researched information.

What I think of so EsoWatch? Not much.

I share some of the criticism that is being expressed here. For now and this criticism is well founded. All too often obvious from the "items" but on how the operator laughing up his sleeve, a la "have shown now, but the ego" - or "well being angry." To this end, the few dry facts that are detect by the EsoWatch-makers on their hunting properties populated with a host of sloppy and poorly researched claims and opinions, which often meet total to constitute defamation.

While journalists, along with the media in which they publish, always in danger, find that their allegations or lies be sued and convicted - let the makers of Esowatch unceremoniously out of the sow and hide behind their anonymity.

law is not brave. And justification, which is a self-confessed EsoWatch-maker named Crabel "it also provides shameful. He writes on the related question in "Radio Lora "

Nu, the names are kept secret, etc..
You have to expect otherwise, unfortunately, so be as I was looking denounced what to.

Well, if that is not a convincing argument.

Moreover, it was in conversation with Radio Lora on the question of why so many people are willing to pay extra even for homeopathy and other forms of alternative medicine and the importance of the placebo effect for all medical interventions.