"vaccinology is not a Penny" Actually, streptococci normal roommate in humans: round, gram-positive bacteria, which measure about one-thousandth of a millimeter and preferably arrange themselves in chains. For example, in the oral cavity, the mucous membranes of the throat or in the flora of the intestine. As long as the streptococci remain in place, they are useful members of society bacteria. Medically they are used as a precaution against periodontal disease or as a cultural reconstruction of the intestinal flora after antibiotic or fungal treatment. Evil, the consequences are, however, if streptococci and organs begin to move affected. Notorious about 90 serotypes is counting subgroup S. pneumoniae. This "pneumococcal" are among the most important pathogens of man. They cause including pneumonia (lung infection), otitis media (middle ear infection) and meningitis (meningitis). Already more than 60 years, a polysaccharide vaccine was introduced to the market that is still recommended for older people. It consists of the unmodified sugar molecules in the capsule and is directed against 23 pneumococcal types. He should cover 90 percent of the cases. In children who still had any contacts with pneumococci, the 23-valent vaccine is not effective and otherwise he is not exactly a highlight. Only last year he certified a meta analysis of existing literature, conducted by researchers at the University of Bern was "no protection against pneumonia" and "no proven survival benefit for the vaccine.
is clearly better the balance of a 2000 in the U.S. (and 2001 in the EU), approved 7-valent conjugate vaccine was recommended for infants aged two months and adults aged 60 years and today in most countries the obligatory vaccination among children. This vaccine effectiveness has been enhanced by the polysaccharides of the bacterial capsule to a detoxified variant of diphtheria have been conjugated protein. This has allowed the trigger now also Steptokokken-naive babies an immune response. Shortly after the introduction vaccination in the United States showed a reduction of invasive pneumococcal disease in children by two thirds.
This effect has, in recent years, however, slowed down considerably because diseases have not increased in the vaccine serotypes. This so-called "replacement effect" to try to meet the vaccine manufacturer now to be that they have new products on the market claimed that the offer is now about ten, and thirteen serotypes protection. For wide vaccination campaigns in developing countries where pneumococcal among the most common causes of death in children, these vaccines with sale prices beyond $ 200 are much too expensive. In addition, there are different rampant serotypes significantly from the distribution in developed countries.
Viennese company
Intercell, which - according to the company slogan is specialized in the development of "smart vaccines", now has a vaccine in development, to act against all pneumococcal strains.
I spoke to Intercell's Chief Scientific Eszter Nagy. There
In pneumococcal vaccines on the market there are already some that have just been reissued again in this remake. What was set as a research director of Intercell the reason to also in this indication? Nagy died of pneumococcal infections in developing countries every sixth child. This disease has a degree - similar to malaria. The current vaccines only protect against a small proportion of these bacteria. We have developed a technology by which we have chosen other targets in bacteria. Antigens from bacteria could not be changed, because for the life cycle of the pneumococcus is absolutely necessary. Therefore, our Impfstofff - protect against all 90 pneumococcal types - from its active principle.
you will know whether he actually does as well? Nagy: So far, we have the results of the first study phase. was found in tests on 32 healthy adults, our Vaccine so far to be safe and immunogenic. Now, the larger pivotal studies will be organized in Africa, which is specifically tested the efficacy in children.
The vaccines available in Europe are incredibly expensive. The market leader, Prevenar 13 comes' for primary immunization at a price of more than 300 €. Nagy: We are currently making in the field of Vaccinologie through just one revolution. This was once a penny-market, where a vaccine has cost 50 cents. Are continually being unconventional products on the market, especially the high-priced vaccine against human papillomavirus, the triggers of cervical cancer. Prevenar is as successful and enormously expensive.
If vaccination is not used primarily in developing countries where the diseases are more serious? Nagy: Yes, but they need a much cheaper alternative, otherwise the developing countries do not use at all. The vaccine we are developing will be cheaper. This does not mean that we will sell it in the industrialized countries by 50 cents. Production costs were substantially lower than those of other vaccines.
What about because of your schedule? Nagy: This depends a lot from our partners, such as the international nonprofit organization PATH, the by the Bill Gates Foundation is funded from. It must be organized in Africa to study the efficacy at a high disease probability measure. Once we have the security of data, we can say closer.
Some other streptococci can cause disease. Here are the use of vaccines in the works? Nagy: Yes, we have a project with Streptococcus pyogenes, which can cause human scarlet fever and tonsillitis. Tonsillitis are a lethal disease, but the cause for 70 percent of antibiotic prescriptions in children, which consequently leads to resistance again. Another project streptococci refers to S. agalactiae, which can cause sepsis in newborns, especially in preterm infants. We want to develop a passive immunotherapy, where we give premature babies monoclonal antibodies, preventative.
That sounds like products with good market opportunities. Why do we need public research funds, as in the framework of the GEN-AU project? Nagy: The Gen-AU project was very experimental when we started two years ago. We also had no partner on board. This promotion project helped to explain the cellular immune response to pneumococcal antigens in the vaccine, and has generated numerous data, which are now to other programs can be applied.
you are in 1999 followed an invitation of the founder, Alexander von Gabain, Intercell and moved from the U.S. to Vienna. Do you miss the U.S. sometimes? Nagy: No, not at all. I was with my family always live in Europe. We also have a very Intercell international flair, the job is really exciting. I really like to live in Vienna, the very cosmopolitan atmosphere love it here. And last but not least, I am pleased, of course, that my country, Hungary is so close.
the work in the vaccine industry, an academic career have preferred. Happened by chance or the planned? Nagy: It was really rather random. But I benefit greatly from my medical and scientific training. The advantages of working for a private company, are in the chance to make new scientific discoveries very quickly in practice. It is very motivating for me, if I can contribute to the development of new medical devices to improve personal health.
Eszter Nagy, MD, PhD, completed her studies in medicine and molecular biology at the founders of the University Pecs and spent five years at various universities in the United States. Intercell they arrived in 1999 at the invitation of the founder of Intercell Alexander von Gabain. Since 2005 she leads the entire field of research and currently about 45 scientists. Eszter Nagy lives with her family in Vienna. Her son, Bence, 18, begins just his medical studies, daughter Fanny, 15, attended the Academic Gymnasium. Tamas Henics husband is also physicians and scientists, and moved in June from the Max Perutz Laboratories in Vienna to Hungarian biotech companies in the border region with Austria.
This interview appeared under the "Project Series" on the website of "GEN-AU" - Genome research in Austria.