Monday, May 10, 2010

Operation For Fallen Arches

children's book corrections

Friday trip to the Lindenhof

This is Justin. And that is the mother of Justin. And that's the daddy.

Today Justin and make the mom and the dad a visit. For Linden, the emergency response center of Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg.

Because Justin is the doll very sick. And very tired. For example, he makes it quite often when he sits, his eyes.

actually find the mom and dad of Justin is not so bad. For if Justin close your eyes, then he finally holds his bloody Gusche. Otherwise the babbles namely, to get no air. And the mom and the dad annoys full doll.

But on Monday because the neighbor said of Justin and the mom and the dad to the mom and the dad of Justin: "Your son sees but does not look good."

Since, the dad of Justin said: "That's right! Who comes after his mum "
But the neighbor said something else". No. The imperative to the hospital immediately. "

And since Mom and Dad are also the same way. DC on Saturday. Before, it was not. Because there was so week and there had to Mama and Papa write applications. Three. Together. Each half. Because of the woman Meier Job Center Lichtenberg.

have soon reached the mom and dad and Justin to the hospital. Mama and Papa do give Justin the porter. But that is not nice. Although Justin is asleep again, have the mom and dad to bring Justin himself to children emergency room.

Now, Justin, Mom and Dad with her sister Olga at the reception. Olga wants to have the insurance card of Justin. But Mom and Dad present, so says Mama, "has lost my son."

sister Olga wants to know the name of Justin. The mother says: "Schmidt" sister Olga wants to know the first name of Justin. Since the need to think of Mom and Dad. Fortunately the mom's name tattooed on his right upper arm of Justin, so she never forgets. Therefore, they can quickly roll up the sleeves and look for commands.

sister Olga wants to know how old the Justin. As the mother of Justin is a bit slow annoyed. For now they must roll up your sleeves or the other. There she can be tattooed at birth of Justin, how old is Justin. On his arm is ". 0 years"

But sister Olga does not believe that Justin is 0 years. Because it is already 1.10 m tall. But since Justin's mom insists she asks the mother rather whether the mother has since measured at Justin fever. "No," says the mother. "But Our neighbor did that. Justin was 41.5 ° C. "The place

sister Olga not beautiful. But the mother can calm her: "Do not worry. The temperature of Justin has not increased since Monday. "The fact that the mum and dad do not come earlier because the hospital is, Sister Olga will not be nice. But the mother can explain that: "We had to write applications."

But Olga is still no peace. As for Justin has been drinking the last to know they will now, and Father Justin looks impatiently at the clock and find that annoying Olga like Justin. The mother says: "By Monday he was drinking well. Not after that. "

finds the sister Olga is now very bad. Therefore, it will seek immediate medical attention. Justin ran in the making a hose. This is the Justin woke up. And until Justin is growing again, may the mom and dad never see the Justin.

see the mama and papa of Justin just a bit bad. For without the Justin you can go dancing again last weekend in Friedrichshain, the chip. And have sex.

So says the dad to the doctor too. "Be quiet time with Justin. If not soon be well again, that's not so bad. "

And the mom and dad are happy that it worked so well, the trick with anything drink and eat type. Perhaps the remains so as long as Justin in the hospital, go to the mom and dad even for a week to Majorca can.

trip to Charlottenburg

This is Benedict's Marie-Theodore. Today it's Benedict-Marie-Theodore not so good. So goes the Gisele-mom to Hannah-Marie-Theodore Benedict with their Porsche quickly to the emergency room of the hospital's West End. Because the mother Gisele, Hannah is scared that the Benedict-Marie-Theodore dies.

Hui. That was fast. Even Benedict-Marie-Theodore-Hannah and Gisele are available at reception.

With that the sister Sophie, be treated as urgent Benedict-Marie-Theodore must call Gisele-mom to Hannah's sister Sophie aloud: "My son is dying."

sister Sophie will now know, what the Benedict-Marie-Theodore has exactly is. "Fever! Calls Mama. "37.5 ° C. Since this morning. "

sister Sophie finds that the Benedict-Marie-Theodore with 37.5 ° C does not need the emergency room. The mother finds already.

says Sister Sophie Mama Gisele-Hannelore, that they have to wait but a little bit, because the children come first with the third-degree burns, the heart attacks ran the comas and 2.8 per thousand. Gisele-mom Hannah finds that should come first ran the children have studied where the moms and dads. Since the mother has

an idea. Thus, the Benedict-Marie-Theodore rankommt but because of the children with third degree burns, the heart attacks the comas and 2.8 per thousand, she takes them out of their premium card Hanse Merkur, shouting: "Here!" There must

Sister Sophie laugh. Because here in the emergency room have all the premium card, the Hanse Merkur. Emergencies with public health insurance are not accepted in the emergency room, but sent to Lichtenberg in the Lindenhof.

"But I am with the FDP." Shouts Gisele-Hannah. There has sister Sophie laugh again. "Look They even over there. There is the son of Philipp Rösler. You see, ran until your son comes, will take a little time. Take it again in the head street, a bit of shopping. "

But the mum does not want to wait. And even in the Kant Strasse. So it goes fast with Benedict-Marie-Theodore in a liquor store and buy a few fruit brandies, vodka, grain and whiskey and says to Benedict-Marie-Theodore: drinking, Benedict-Marie-Theo "Benedict-Marie-Theo is short and the pet name of Benedict-Marie-Theodore.

Soon-Marie-Theodore Benedict also has 2.8 per thousand. And so he may yet before. And even stay overnight.

First Sister Sophie says that no other beds are more free and therefore the mother-Hannah Gisele can not stay in the hospital. In addition, the Benedict-Marie-Theodore is already 22 years old. But because the mom explains that she and the Benedict-Marie-Theodore always sleep together, sister Sophie looks yet again in all rooms.

And the mom and the Benedict-Marie-Theodore are lucky, because sister Sophie noticed in their search that the Bruce from room 112 is not even in the Hanse Merkur, but only with the AOK. Therefore he must settle his hose from the body, get up and go to light mountain.

replaced thanks to Bruce's mom by mom of Benedict-Marie-Theodore later, a bouquet of flowers to Bruce's funeral. That's nice of the mother of Benedict-Marie-Theodore.