Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cheats Pokemon Ruby Vba

competency-oriented course design for the clerkship

This time I set an exemplary instructional design for Vorführstunde a clerkship in the nets, in the form in which you should write it, if you want to please their trainers, and in the form in which it would have to write it, if we were honest.

of competence-based instructional design for History (Grades 9)

The "Serbian Question" - unvermeibare test of strength of the alliances?

technical analysis and didactic reduction

The Serbian question referred by the result of the attack on the Hapsburg throne by the Serbs on Gavrilo Princip 28. June 1914 in Sarajevo escalating tensions between the Triple Alliance (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy) and Triple Entente (Russia, England, France), which ended a month later in the outbreak of World War II. As a subject for this hour to the conflict on three exemplary sources from the 1913-14 be worked out.

requirements of the core curriculum

The presented hour stands at the interface between the fields 1 (Empire, especially of: nationalism and imperialism) and 2 (democracy and dictatorship, specifically: First World War and its consequences) for the double grade 9 / 10.


General Requirements

The design for the trainers

The 9b consists of 25 students (13 boys and 12 girls). I teach the study group since the beginning of school history with three hours a week. When I took the students, they met me with open rejection, as they had done with teachers in general and the recent history of very bad experiences with colleagues in particular. Added to the almost hostile air came between boys on one side and girls on the other side, which manifested itself even in the hour in open violence. But the students quickly realized that I, as individuals with its own personality and seriously listen to them. Together, we first determined the causes of classroom disruptions and international social tensions. Then the students have developed rules about classroom and fixes them in writing to a vote. While there was no question of regular instruction in the beginning, the learning environment is now, two weeks later, very productive.

The honest design

9b which I have been teaching for school year history with three hours a week. The size of the study group is not for several reasons to determine definitely. According class register is 25 students. However, I continued, after a three-quarters of a year still do not know all learned. Moreover, the number of students varies considerably in the course of a lesson. It reaches its peak after about 10 minutes when the last latecomers arrived. She then falls off again due to the students who are referred by me of the room or those who voluntarily leave the room. Occasionally take part in teaching young people that are not in the class book, usually friends of my students who have already dropped out of school and not know where it opens up Alexa, to kill time. I try but, to include them into the classroom. The reconciliation of education rules, as you suggest as an instructor, it has proved a flop because of the students only suggestions came in it: "It is forbidden to look on the teacher's ass, except he drum asks." Insults the teacher may be only at the table page that are not needed for the panel. "The subsequent vote on rules formulated by me was no majority. I hung the poster anyway, the students have rewritten my rules (The teacher should not interrupt the student while talking! The teacher may speak only when he is spit roasted! Etc.).

Special Conditions

The design for the trainers

When I took the students, I quickly realized that the pre-teaching teachers them this specialist was spoiled by an authoritarian style of teaching rather questionable. I have my class but they are taken seriously and included in the annual plan, as I had it first asked what they would like to deal because without them, to give guidance. Surprisingly many students spontaneously expressed the wish to deal with the "Serbian on employment "as a trigger for the First World War. Coincidence that this request was exactly the curriculum. Consequently, the motivation might be quite high. The content of the students are prepared. They understand the treaty obligations, the world power William II and the arms race of the European great powers. And in the previous hours, the background was treated in the Balkans. In this hour they deal with how the events clashed in the Balkans with the interests of the European great powers. This should draw the students into groups. The required an hour of analysis and interpretation skills, methodological skills and the sentencing and orientation skills were lack of preliminary work by the previously teaching instructors not even rudimentary. Most students could not even speak German reasonably accurate. Each group work was a mess. Thanks to my systematic practice, I was able to achieve in the two weeks in which I taught the students, significant progress. Meanwhile, they make regular Power Point presentations and have not bothered to read Kant's categorical imperative. The working group works smoothly pleasing.

The honest design

first had the students for the first teaching Teachers in general do not feel like history. Therefore I have asked them to write down what they would do for you in this school year. On numerous leaflets read: "Turkey!" on as many labels: "Nothing about the Jews." Therefore I have decided to go through with my thing. The historical context to know the students from my one-hour teacher lecture, which I launched with the words, write with it all. In the next test. And that does ninety percent of the total score from. " more time, I had not. But they know the subject matter covered in this hour and the methods used by heart, since this we Hours have been rehearsed repeatedly. The motivation would not be beneficial, the students know that they are permitted to leave from their listlessness say nothing.

theme of the lesson

Europe on its way to the first world war - an inevitability?

hours themes of unity

The design for the trainers

first Hour: From Bismarck to coalitions of alliances before the First World War - the center of power shift?

second Hour: Germany fleet policy - Germany needs a larger fleet?

third Hour: Germany fleet policies - strengthening or weakening of the country on the international scene?

4th Hour: nation-state formations in the Balkans - Chance or Risk?

5th Hour: The "Serbian Question" - the inevitable showdown alliances? (Classroom visit)

6th Hour: the "July Crisis" 1914 - the margins were the forces?

7th Hour: The outbreak of the 1st World War II - Review

The honest design

first Hour: failure (students have the wrong room)

second Hour: failure (teacher burnout)

third Hour: teachers talk about the time from 1871 to 1914 4th in Europe

Hour: "The" Serbian Question "- the inevitable showdown alliances? (1st attempt)

5th Hour: "The" Serbian Question "- inevitable showdown the covenants? (Dress rehearsal)

6th Hour: "The" Serbian Question "- the inevitable showdown alliances? (Classroom visit)

7th Hour: will fail (again teacher burnout).

learning goals, minimum standards and competencies

The design for the trainers

General learning goal:

The students recognize the "Serbian Question" circling of interest between the Habsburg monarchy and Russia, and may resulting possible "trials of strength" between the directly involved countries and their covenants (the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente) and self-reflective anticipate.

minimum standard:

The students recognize the "Serbian Question" circular Conflicts of interest between the Habsburg monarchy and Russia, and they can independently and effectively explain in their own words.

The honest design

General learning goal:

Students remember the circular to the "Serbian Question" conflicts of interest between the Habsburg monarchy and Russia, and consequent possible "trials of strength" between the countries directly involved and their alliances (Triple Alliance and Triple Entente).

minimum standard:

The students also understand the third time is not what it's really about, can say nothing.

methodological and didactic choices (teaching phase)

entry (for educators): should at this stage the students is an on the wall projected quotation from Lord of Lichnowsky recognize that in the Balkan Conflict situation is that comes to a head in the opinion of Lichnowsky to a showdown between Triple Alliance and Triple Entente. The analysis of the three elements of Serbian question, vs. Triple Alliance. Triple Entente and test of strength - is in the class discussion. And I oriented myself to you the high school as an instructor for called personal responsibility. A powerful student records the results of the analysis and the hours Question: The Serbian Question - fixed inevitable showdown of alliances, with complete responsibility on the board, in the form of a pre-structuring panel pattern. I will only intervene if the painting patterns and guiding question distort the statement of the quote entirely.

actual entrance I will not have to intervene because I question and panel pattern to avoid unpleasant surprises, have already imposed yesterday in barely legible. The student only has to follow the lines.

development phase (for trainers): Because of the swine flu, it is possible that present only 9 out of 25 students are. The students sit in groups of three and read first three sources of labor in individual work with the Serbian question. For the purposes of you demand and of course I welcomed the internal differentiation of the strongest students get the most difficult source (the Austrian position), the most vulnerable students, the easiest source (the Serbian position) and the moderate students moderate source (the Russian position). Following this phase of work to replace the individual group members together and create a schema for the table. Each student may be, in terms of internal differentiation contribute according to his individual abilities passing. The weakest students endorsed the scheme, the moderate proposals and makes the strongest students ensures that fit the schema, clear and complete.

actual development phase: Only 9 out of 25 students to attend because I have the weakest and most behavior problems for students on leave this hour. The internal differentiation promoted by them is total nonsense. For as I have worked with varying degrees of texts, the better students have deteriorated on purpose, because they did not always get the worst sources.

backup (for trainers): A group presents their visualized Results by filling them in the beginning of the hour-designed panel pattern. Since I educate students to independence and autonomy, they may reject the model provided completely. During the presentation, I will rely primarily on the weaker students, so Tim, Paul and Ivana. Although the result is probably less well, but to me it is important that especially the weaker students are encouraged and have a sense of achievement.

actual backup (for trainers): A group presented their results visualized by this in the beginning of the Hours designed panel pattern enters. During the presentation I will support me, especially on the power peak, so Tim, Paul, Ivana. Of these I know they do not reject the given panel pattern, but adhere strictly to my instructions from the two sample hours.

depression / sentencing phase (for trainers): anticipate the students formulate the reasons for the possible consequences arising from the "Serbian question" in this conflict and class discussions hypotesenartig conceivable "trials of strength".

actual Depression / sentencing phase: The students read the front of their hypotheses stapler, without you knowing it as a visitor.

Teaching Reserve (for instructors): The different hypotheses, the students recognize the presence of various courses of action in the former historical situation. This arouses interest for it, then explore possible options for action in the coming hours deepening. I will let them do this in a business game.

actual didactic Reserve: to my throat clearing out formulate Murat following insight is: ". That there are various options on the table, shows that history is not prescribed, but always on the behavior of the players depend" According to another hawking notify Ivana and decide the hour with the following statement "So for me evokes the realization that history is not prescribed that interest, then explore possible options for action even greater depth. A simulation game would be great. Can we do that perhaps "What I will reply:" Well, if you are interested, then I will change my plans spontaneously "


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bathroom Shaving Cabinets

children's book corrections 2


A new friend

recommended by the magazine parents

Lucca is already two. Lucca is already on the playground. With Dad. And with his shovel. And with Dad's shovel.

Lucca likes the sand box. Lucca might dig. build a mountain and dig a hole. SchippSchipp . up sand. SchippSchipp. sand out. Papa plays with it. SchippSchipp. up sand. SchippSchipp. Sand out. Now the mountain is ready. And the hole. That was fun.

There's also another boy. With his mum. The other boy has a cake pan. And another cake pan. He bakes pies. Back Back.

Lucca does not have any cake pan. Lucca would like to bake cakes.

Lucca also bakes cakes. With the cake pan from the boys. Back Back. The boy says, "No! Meina "

now takes the Young Lucca the cake tin to leave. Lucca says, "Daddy, Lucca sad. Young angry. "Papa says. "Do not be sad, Lucca. Next time we'll take your cake pans. Now we are building a mountain and a hole. "SchippSchipp. Sand up. SchippSchipp. Sand out.

The boy says: build "Even mountain! ! Have fun of "Lucca replied:" No! Meina "

" Ouch! "The boy has carved Lucca. That's not nice. Lucca cries. Papa comfort needs. As the mother comes from the boys: "What do thou, Yannick? Do not cut! Please make an the boy! Otherwise, we go home. "Yannick makes an in Lucca.

Mama Yannick has a great idea: "Does it together. As you can bake cakes. And build mountains and digging holes. "Auja," shouts Lucca. "Auja" calls Yannick. For a couple is much more fun. The father of Lucca finds the idea too great, because now he can talk to the mom of Yannick.

Lucca looking forward to the next day on the playground. Since he is Yannick see again. Now he likes very much. The father of Lucca also looks forward to the next day on the playground. Because he will see the mum of Yannick again. Which it may now very much.


The non-egg

Recommended makes of the journal The playground displaced

Lucca is already two. Lucca is already on the playground at the ring center. With Dad. And with all his toys. With his shovel. And with Dad's shovel. And with his bucket. And with a sieve. And with its cake pan. And with his other cake pan. And with his ball and his Bobbycar.

Papa must take the mickey out of Lucca. And poke fun of Daddy. And the bucket. And the sieve. And a cake pan. And the ball and the Bobbycar. But Lucca with the other cake pan. All alone. For he is already quite large.

Lucca likes the sand box. Lucca likes to dig. Dad likes to read newspapers.

Papa must mitbuddeln because Lucca has no friend. This will be great dad. Papa to build a mountain and dig a hole.

dig Papa finds stupid. Because building a mountain and dig a hole and turn over this same time, the FAZ, we can not.

Lucca skin always with the shovel on the Eiffel Tower, will build the dad. Dad finds Lucca annoying.

Papa asks Lucca, to drive his Bobbycar to the sand box, quite often, so Dad can finally build peace in the Eiffel Tower to an end.

Another boy plays with a bucket of Lucca. Lucca cries. Papa says you must borrow other kids sometimes. Then you get from other children sometimes borrowed what.

The other boy can Lucca borrow nothing, for he has no toys here.

The other boy has now Bobbycar of Lucca. And the other boy is bigger than Lucca.

says the dad of Lucca, Lucca to the other boys agree that this is his Bobbycar. That he is indeed happy borrows, but again would have then. Lucca can tell already, even though he's only two, because he lives west of the center ring. That is why it is called Lucca and goes to a kindergarten with special language support program.

The other boy lives east of the center ring. That is why it is called Johnny and can not even speak, although he is already four. But he can hit pretty well.

Lucca cries. The father of Lucca finds that the father said of the other boys the other boys now would "not cut down, Johnny! Mach an the boy and give him his Bobbycar again. "But the father of another boy says nothing, because he just continued smoking. That's not nice.

So says the father of Lucca from the papa other boys: ". Your boy has cut my son and I will not give him back his Bobbycar" The father of Lucca noted that the father of another boy the aroma as the people who shop at Lidl are: for alcohol.

The father of another boy is bigger than the dad from Lucca. But because he is only 19, he can not speak so well. But he can cut down and connect it already really good.

The father of Lucca has now put down because he has abdominal pain and red color comes from his head. Nevertheless, the dad makes the other boys did not an . Lucca does not know which is nice.

Lucca Daddy says that they must now go home: "It's almost three. You have today by four hours early to bed. "

Lucca and Dad pack up the toys from Lucca again. But not the Bobbycar and the ball, because the borrowed still has the other boy.

Next time, Lucca is not back to the playground at the ring center, but with the mother.

Leather Mistress Clips

children's book corrections 1 - dispute

Because of a dispute with a major publisher, I found myself forced, unfortunately, a few days before the correction of children's book published here "We are four, by me in" Marlene, I do not like. " renamed again to remove it from the network. Who is still interested, can however be original and review sent to me.